Is is possible for two people to be bound without a binding spell?
Is is possible for two people to be bound without a binding spell?
So I have a friend with very strong abilities.. as well as myself.. and for the last week or so I've been really depressed and today I've had a few negative thoughts. Worse than the last few days. And she had texted me telling me she was depressed. Out of no where it just hit her. And then she had mentioned that for no reason at all thought of suicide had emerged. I just want to know if it's possible that there is a special bond.. or if I'm just crazy.. or is there any explaination at all.
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There are many possible explinations for this and may ways people can have a connection without a spell. The simplest explination is probably that you spend lots of time together and your energy has rubbed off on each other which will make you somewhat susceptable to each other's moods, expecially if you have empathetic tendencies. This sort of thing does happen quite frequently with people who share energy often.
We live in different states
of coarse, they would be bound by spirit or love.