Automatic Writing to bring something back to me.
Automatic Writing to bring something back to me.
Ok. I'm a writer. I suffer horribly with dark depression and use writing as an outlet. I wrote something pretty personal and accidentally deleted it last august. Every since then I haven't been the same I'm unsure what to do. Would automatic writing help me?? I'm so lost.
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Automatic writing might help you, but if you're suffering from depression, you should also talk to your doctor. To do automatic writing, you should write by hand. It can take a while to get started, just start writing whatever's on your mind until you start to feel "in the zone". Then you can start writing questions and you may find that you'll start writing answers too. I have been doing it this way since I was a young teenager, it's not hard if you can get your brain out of the way. I have written many things this way that feels more like taking dictation, so it's possible that if you've got what you lost in your subconscious (and you do) that you may be able to access it this way. You should also do some research in self-hypnosis.