Am I disrespecting the Pentgram?
I've taken the name Aster Carrick and, as Aster means star (as well as daisy), it came to me that I could sign my name using a Pentagram for the A in Aster. To make this work properly in writing I would need to write it as follows: Starting at air, draw down to earth and then continue round to air to complete, then link this to the "s" in Aster.
Two questions - firstly, is this frowned upon to do such a thing? I'm brand new to this and don't want to be disrespectful or seem arrogant.
Secondly, if I draw a pentagram in that way - and not protected by a circle - what is its significance? The best I could find on an online trawl is that I am "banishing" spirit, which doesn't sound very positive. Any thoughts or guidance would be much appreciated!
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I didn't mean air, I meant water. Still struggling to retain information! S Rory for the confusion.
It's okay. Once you learn it, you'll see it doesn't matter much.
It represents the orbit of Venus. Look it up. It's really cool.
And no, the Pentagram isn't the kind of sacred symbol that is sensitive to being disrespected. But it is a protective symbol. Everytime you draw it, you're sort of casting a spell. So you need to keep that in mind.
Thank you, that's really helpful. Do you have any suggested reading material in that area?
Well, the pentagram is hugely complicated. I keep saying I'm going to write an essay about it, but it's just so complicated. Actually, the pentagram with the Circle is Venus, or it used to be, and is more appropriately called the Pentacle and without it is just a Pentagram, but when people talk about the Pentagram, they are talking about the Circle that they associate with magick and the elements is somewhat new. The five points have represented so many things, including the five wounds of Christ. Every occultist ever has had their own take on it. The Pentagram has more to do with the Golden Mean than anything else, that, and Venus. Just, I guess, Google it. It's so convoluted.