Planatery aspects in magick for home cleansing and warding
Planatery aspects in magick for home cleansing and warding
I'm trying to cleanse and ward my room, does this have to be done in a specific planetary hour? I ask, as it may take longer than a single Saturn hour on a Saturday, and cannot be split between Saturn hours. Any ideas?
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This is a very good time for this sort of work, that is, the start of the year. The word February comes from the Latin februum, meaning purification and this is a time when the ancient Romans performed purification rituals for the home, as well as honoring the household Gods and ancestors. As far as the planetary influence, it is not terribly important with regard to the purification ritual(Though Cancer supports homemaking), though it may be more important for the warding. If you start the work in Saturn and end the work in Saturn, you are certainly making use of those energies. That's about five hours of work, depending on the size of your home, that might be how long you're at it. That all being said, it's really not that big a deal. I prefer to do this sort of work at the dark of the moon, to be completed before the new moon appears, and don't bother myself too much about the planetary hours unless I am doing alchemical work. Are you familiar with the calculator at I find it quite handy