I have a unknown plant in my garden. Can someone help?
I have a unknown plant in my garden. Can someone help?
Possibly a Texas ranger sage but also looks like English thyme is there a way to tell? Either is fine for my spells but I would like to know for my ingredients sake… sometimes it has very light purplish small flowers. I've looked every where on the internet, I have just about given up. Help please?
Thank you.
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Texas ranger sage isn't a true sage, but a figwort, closer to a snapdragon. English thyme is actually much closer to sage as they're both in the mint family. Figworts do have square stems and bilabiate flowers, like mints do, which can make things confusing. If you are familiar with a mint flower versus a snapdragon flower, it's easier to sort out. The Texas ranger sage is as shrub that can get up to eight feet wide and tall (though there is a compact cultivar that only gets to five feet), whereas thyme is a small, sprawling plant. Thyme leaves are extremely tiny and their flowers appear in clusters along a stem. The smell, of the leaves, is decidedly medicinal, reminiscent of Listerine. Texas ranger sage has a fragrance that has been described as "odd", "stinky" and "bubble gum" and tend to be concentrated in the flowers. Different varieties have been selected for scent so the smell varies.