I enjoy bringing a of of pop culture Wichcraft into my Magick and I have a HP wand made of resin, how well would this work?
I enjoy bringing a of of pop culture Wichcraft into my Magick and I have a HP wand made of resin, how well would this work?
I know resin is made primarily from plants so I was wondering if I'd be able to use this wand well until I got enough time and money to either make one or buy one.
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I think I think it would vary based on the type of resin used. But I encourage you to give it a try. Experiment with your wand and let us know how it works out. The truth is, you don't even need a wand, a finger works just as well, but different materials can change the nature of the energy slightly more inline with the material's natural energy. So, experiment and see what happens.
I think that's a great idea! Sometimes I use the Nine Divines from the Elder Scrolls video game series because it "speaks" to me.