I am new for all of this.What should i do?
I am new for all of this.What should i do?
Like i said, i am new. What should i begin with? Is there any consequence? Can i you cooking herb for spell or charm? What should i do anything before start this? (like finding a ward ,mark some rune, draw pentagram, or other; something like this..)
plaese advice , Thank you
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The best place to start is with plenty of reading. Find some texts on witchcraft suitable for beginners and start from there to get a clear idea as to what you might want to do. I find Kate West quite accessible, and also Sophie Cornish. You don't need any tools, but you may find they become desirable. If you want to follow paganism or Wicca, there are plenty of books devoted to those too. Most books on the craft are written from the Wiccan perspective so if you do not feel aligned with Wicca, just bear that in mind whilst you are reading it that particular Wiccan rules are not necessarily observed by others.
Start a notebook to record the things you learn, to make note of further reading and the results of any magic you perform. This can be the basis of your book (book of shadows).
As to consequences, there are consequences to everything in life. If you mean will you be struck down by lightening for performing magic, my answer would be not unless you were standing on top of a hill holding an umbrella in the middle of a storm. I.e, no more than otherwise. The consequences relate to your positive or negative actions attracting other positivity or negativity, and your ability to cope with your conscience if you do something that you know is not very nice. Using magic for selfish or negative intentions tends to affect the user negatively in terms of their own psychological response. As humans, we are geared towards social coherence and altruism in my view and using magic in a positive way has a similarly positive effect on the user. In other words, it can make you feel good. Wiccans believe in the rule of threefold return - what you send out comes back to you threefold. I am not Wiccan, but I like this "rule" as a reminder to myself to behave responsibly, wisely and kindly. It's fair to say that some people have very negative experiences, but it depends on what you are doing, what you are trying to achieve and how you are going about it. If you decide to summon "demons" to help you in an unpleasant spell against your neighbour, you can expect to feel pretty rubbish about it and perhaps to scare yourself silly in the process.
And that's a "yes" to cooking herbs. You can perform spells entirely in your head with no props, so whatever you can get your hands on in the material world is fine. Home sown and grown, and picked at the right moon phase is an aspiration, but Schwartz jars will serve well if that's all you have. You can always consecrate things if you feel it carries the energy of earlier use.
Browse the Witchipedia book 📚 f shadows for more inspiration. Dawn also has a Facebook page (witchipedia) and runs online courses every so often, so you could put your name on the waiting list for these.
Thank you , you are really kind.
I guess i have many thing to read and study. :)
You're welcome! It's a wonderful, lifelong journey, so don't be afraid and just enjoy it. Blessings, Aster x
Let me recommend two books- The Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard - This will give you some decent background information and enough of a foundation to figure out what subjects you want to pursue further. and You Are Psychic details some basic techniques everyone should learn but not enough people bother teaching. I'd read that one first.
You all are really kind.THX
But i forget to tell you one thing,I'm not a English native.
Is spell gonna work?
I'm Asian but my english is ok. (I guess)
Language doesn't matter. Energy matters.