I am dating a witch. She is affecting me. How can I make the experience more rewarding for her?
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I am dating a witch. I'm not magickally inclined myself but things have happened that I would like clarification on.
This has happened twice now. I'm a steadfast skeptic, or I was until recently. She called it projection but the only information I can find is of the astral variety and this doesn't seem to fit that.
One minute I'm sitting there, the next minute I can feel her on me. I can smell her, feel her, what she's feeling, and experience a very strong euphoria. It's very intense, sudden, and lasts varying lengths of time. It feels very intimate and I love the experience. She seems to be able to feel when I feel it. Uh… not to get too detailed but it's not a sexual experience in nature though I can feel that energy in there. It's just a closeness and connection.
Can any light be shed on what this is? Is there anything I can do to enhance the experience for her? She's a bit cryptic about the whole thing so I thought I would reach out and try to learn more. I really want to know if there's stuff I can do to make it better for her… whatever it is that she's doing.
Thanks in advance!
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The best thing you can do is relax and go with it, don't try to fight it. If you would like to experiment with reciprocation, start with a daydream. Picture it all in your mind. This works best to begin with when you are right on the edge of sleep. It's hard to explain exactly how to do it, but if you "pretend" to do it enough, often you can just suddenly do it. It's kind of like building up the muscle memory and then suddenly there you are. Picture riding a bicycle with training wheels. You're really just going through the motions and the training wheels are holding you up, then suddenly the training wheels are off the ground and you're really doing it, though you might not even notice at first. Sometimes, when you do notice, you just fall and this happens a lot with magical skills, especially projection, but also divination (weaning off the "book of meanings" and learning to trust your intuition can be hard). Sometimes, even though you're an expert at riding with training wheels, when you take them off you suddenly feel like you have no idea what to do, but you've trained your muscles to do it and if you trust them, you'll be fine.
You're an extremely open and understanding partner. Your girlfriend most likely feels very close and connected with you. I agree with what the commentator above mentioned about just relaxing. Visualization really helps, visualize the feel of her skin, her lips if you have kissed, and her smell. The bridge(linkage) between you two has already been establish you just have to have fun and explore. Try not to get to lost far from reality, and if it ever got to a point where you wanted some space don't be afraid to communicate healthy boundaries. Good luck!
It sounds to me like you're already doing the right thing. When this experience happens, just allow it to "be" and be open to it. Let it drift into your imagination as if it were real and picture yourself reciprocating. Enjoy!