I am catholic, but my mother and grandmother has taught me many things just like the ones from this site, from herbs to spells.
I am catholic, but my mother and grandmother has taught me many things just like the ones from this site, from herbs to spells.
My question is, can I be an active witch while still being catholic?
I believe in the Christian God, but of a more metaphysical sense. then I believe in nature spirits as well as other gods and goddesses.
Since I was little, I've always had a great sense in nature. To this age, I believe in fairies and leave them treats from time to time. I write down all the uses for the herbs that my mother has, I meditate to gain better control of my energy. I take notes of my dreams.
So to me it makes sense how God and nature spirits work. I've always said that nature is my church.
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Witchcraft isn't a religion, it's a practice. It doesn't matter what your religion is.
This site actually covers more that what could specifically be called "witchcraft". Many famous magicians, sorcerers and alchemists in history were Christian (some monks, actually) and Jewish. But these men were able to devote their whole lives to complicated magick with complicated experiments and expansive or hard to obtain ingredients, rituals that could last for days or months, all aimed mostly at greater understanding of the spirit world (God) or greater personal power- what we call High Magick. Some of this I would never recommend you try unless you are Christian because the safeguards involved are Christian in nature and if you don't believe in them, they won't help you. (Goetia for example.)
Witchcraft is Low Magick, what the common people were doing, practical magick- healing, charms, love spells, fertility spells, all the things necessary for day to day living, using what they had on hand. Most of these folks couldn't read, but memorized prayers that were oft repeated at church and many old spells from Christian areas include these.
Thank you c: you helped me be more at ease with myself with that clarification.
If you begin to read female Christian writers , you will find that there is an increasing recognition of the need for a balance between male and female images of God in Christian theology. The patriarchal nature of the Church has not always dominated. It is interesting, for example that the Holy Spirit was originally referred to as "She": the female aspect of the Trinity. One of the early Church theologians, Origen, referred to God as "the MotherFather". In Genesis, God is said to have created humankind "in God's image, male and female". Many Christians, myself included, have turned to magic and the ancient goddesses in order to reclaim a female spirituality. Contemplation, balance, healing with the earth's energies are part of the ancient spiritual inheritance of women in all religions.
Nicely said. Important topic and so important to find peace in your spirituality. My grandmother is Bulgarian, her mother and grandmother used magic spells , herbs and everyday rituals that connected them to nature. People would visit them and ask for help, they were real peasants but had many herbs and flowers at hand, also mud, water, fire etc, so they were rich in a sense. They were also orthodox Christian but also used what god has given to us. If we weren't allowed to use these gifts, they would not have been given to us and left on the earth. There are so many references to herbs and stones in the bible, original Christians and all people relied apon them for health and survival. To trust the power in the earth feels like I'm entrusting god more than when I go to doctor to find a quick- fix band aid medicine. But I'm not saying go to extremes either, just making a comment about the healing gifts on our own door step. I also want to add that in my understanding god wants us to follow and trust our own intuition, and follow our heart. Don't worry, god I feel also understands we make mistakes too, we are human after all. Thanks all, and I wish you the best x