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Itis not digits, it is supposed to be sigils. Sorry…
A sigil is a drawing that represents a magical intent or a magical entity. You draw them as you would any other drawing, using your preferred medium, paint, chalk, ink, crayons, mark them in wax, chisel or woodburn them. A paper and pen are suitable tools and very popular. Many people create their own sigils using their own symbols, but there are many sigils that are already in use, particularly those associated with entities. has a ton of books on sigils, both ancient and those created by the authors for specific modern purposes. The internet has many you can use as well, though I prefer to know what I'm drawing. One method, used by many today, is to write your intention as a positive statement in the present tense, remove all the vowels, reduce all repeating letters to one and combine the remaining letters into a single image. The very act of doing all this imprints the idea on your subconscious and send your intention into the Universe without the need for more elaborate ritual.
Thanks so much for that info, it was very helpful