How to get rid of a negative spirit that you can feel in a house
How to get rid of a negative spirit that you can feel in a house
I moved into my boyfriend house and I have always felt something, after researching there was a brutal murder that happened in the woods directly behind his house, it was unsolved. I have always felt things more intense than most. He was very freaked out because i pretty much said to him "I feel someone was murdered around here" idk how I knew but I always have an uneasy feeling and when I'm on my deck I always feel someone there. Any help would be great thanks
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Does it actually feel negative? Or is it someone trying to figure things out and maybe seeking your company? Be kind. Try just talking out loud to them. If you really feel it's uncomfortable having them here, try a banishing spell and banishing incense, but do bear in mind that this could be someone who is lost and in need of comfort. Kinder to just try a calming incense and let them just be. If you think they are trying to communicate in some way and you are ok with this, let them say their piece. It might help them to deal with things and move on. There is no "good and evil" , only people, and after people are gone, then there is only their energy.