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I don't think you need to be stuck on this detail, you have other skills that are more important to develop. Honor your blessings, both seen and unseen, then get on with living the life you create. The truth is, a spirit guide is not necessary for magick. It is helpful and comforting, but the lack of one is not a deal-breaker.
Every magick-user is unique. Each of us has our own talents and interests and each of us has had a unique journey that has given us our own toolset and style of spiritual and magickal practice. Because of this, each of us will have our own unique relationship with Spirit, and some have zero to no such relationship. Each case is correct for the individual, so don't feel bad that you don't have a spirit companion or a spirit guide. It doesn't mean that you're less of a witch or someone else is more spiritual than you. It just is. And just because you don't have one now, doesn't mean you won't have one or many later on.
People who have spirit companions tend to be people who work more with spirits in one way or another or do a lot of astral work. They spend a lot of time in their realm and "rub elbows" with them, so to speak, get to know them.
Many (but not all) people who have spirit guides met their spirit guides first and then found their way to magick/witchcraft. There are some spirits who follow families and so the guides or companions are passed down through the generations. Spirit companions or guardians can be ancestors, spirits of people we loved in other lives or simply a new relationship forged by personal resonance.
Also, that you're not aware of a guardian doesn't mean he/she/it isn't there, it's entirely possible (probable) that you just can't see them yet. It can be helpful to make an altar for your as-yet-unmet spirit companions or select a special place to leave offerings for them. This may encourage them to reveal themselves, though it's not a commitment by any means.
Here is a guided meditation that may help you make a connection.
(This is a combination of several answers given at the old site before the upgrade)
the link is not active, can you update us please