How do you create spells?
How do you create spells?
I've only tried spells twice now. I made a good luck spell myself once and made it up as I went along. It works relatively fine. Its not very strong, I have to hold the bottle that has the spell's contents for it to work. I tried another spell someone else posted but that didn't work. I'm wondering if I do better creating my own spells but i'm very, very new to this. Is there a general guide someone can post for creating spells? I'm sort of looking for a basic rubric I can work off of for now until i get the hang of it and make it more complicated.
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A spell generally consists of the following-
1. Your intention. This is what you want the spell to do.
2. Something to focus your energy on- preferably something that symbolizes your intention. This can be anything from herbs, crystals, symbols, colors, a painting or drawing that you created, a song or poem, interpretive dance, a hand signal, a position you stand in, a thought you hold in your head, or any combination thereof. Some folks like to put a bunch of stuff in a jar or bag, or hold a single thing in their hand, or you can tape a sigil on the wall in front of you, a candle of a certain color with or without words and/or symbols carved in it or just hold the thought in your head.
3. A means to raise energy. There are lots of ways to raise energy. Some folks chant or sing, some dance or just spin around, some beat on a drum or clap their hands, some just imagine the energy raising around them, increasing in brightness or intensity, some people build up an orgasm, alone or in company. If you are creating something to symbolize the spell, this is building up energy as well, bonus if you sing while working.
4. A release of the energy. Some people release the energy using a specific word or phrase. Some use gestures or body position. If you're dancing you can collapse on the ground. If you're building to an orgasm, you orgasm. If you're singing you may reach a crescendo. If you're visualizing you.. visualize it.
And that is a spell.
Many people begin with a purification and sanctification ritual, grounding and centering and evocation or invocation of helpful Gods and spirits, and end with a thank you and dismissal and re-grounding and centering. This varies by tradition and religion. It's also helpful to purify and charge all items you're going to work with before you start.
You must also follow up a spell with mundane action to bring about your intention. (If you do a spell to get a job and never fill out an application, you're not going to get a job.)
And it's a good idea to continue to think positively and not discuss it with anyone until after you've achieved your desired results.