How do I perform a binding spell on behalf of my Child?
How do I perform a binding spell on behalf of my Child?
I am new to witchcraft and want to do a simple binding spell on behalf of my Child. She has a bad bully and all normal recourse has been taken and at this point I really want this other child to just leave her alone. Can I do a binding spell on her Behalf?
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Of course. There's nothing special you have to do. It's about the target and what you want them to stop doing. In this case, picking on a specific person.
The Freezer Spell is a very basic binding spell that works quite well. There are several variations of the basic theme and I'm sure you can peruse them on any search engine.
You could also try a multi pronged approach. Bullies are often deeply unhappy people - perhaps even abused. As well as a binding spell, you could pray /ask the universe for this child to be guided and protected, to see what is right and good. Pray and do some spell work for your own child to be resilient and strong, and maybe even try the honey jar spell. I hope it resolves. Blessings.
Well, maybe the opposite of what you would think to do would work? Perhaps you could bless the bullies, that might help there life get better and they'll stop being jerks. Also it can be healthy for your kid to be bullied, I'm not saying it doesn't suck… but as long as it doesn't get out of hand it teaches you to stick up for yourself and it prepares you for challenges like that. I know I'm really young- heck I'm probably the same age as your kid, but being bullied when I was younger actually gave me an advantage and it taught me how to lift myself out of a dark place
did you not get the answer wichipepia?
Thank you all so much for your advice. I did a super simple binding spell. I almost gave up hope because it didn't work instantly but a week or so after and her bully just stopped. So thanks again.