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I believe we have already covered this at
Define natural born witch.
Do you mean that you are naturally gifted toward witchcraft in the European sense? The truth is, everybody is born with some gifts and all the rest can be worked on. You are not a witch until you practice witchcraft, no matter how many dead people you see, no matter how psychic you think you are, no matter how many abilities you have that start with the prefix "clair" or "psycho" or end with the suffix "kenesis". All of those abilities can go in all kinds of different directions. None of them imply witchcraft. Witches practice witchcraft. Witchcraft is a learned skill. You have to study and practice.
Or do you mean in the sense that African witch-hunters mean: that you are able to cause bad luck and evil eye symptoms to other people without conscious effort? This definition is only really relevant in parts of Africa, but since you didn't define what you're really asking I can't know for sure. If this is you, I suggest you get yourself to a witch doctor or juju man asap and ask him to sort you out. And do it before the crazy missionaries get wind of you. This is serious shit in some places. People die over it. And if these people do possess the evil eye (probably about the same proportion of folks who were killed during the witch hunts in Europe) it's still not witchcraft in the modern European sense. Witchcraft is a craft you have to do it. The word "witch" here is simply used to define harmful magick and most of the accused are children who have no clue. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
You have hit the nail on the head! Thank you for such a forthright and ego pruning answer.
I find it extremely racist that you happen to think people from Missouri hate witches or witch stuff. I know many people that practice in all sorts of..non traditional practices. Including myself. You would be better off just trying to find people online, while being careful about it-who share the same interest and abilitys. I'm not saying that you should go gallivanting around saying "I'm a witch!!" Simply because people will try and hurt you. Just be smart. You have the Internet,books everything at the palm of your hand. We live in the world of information. Don't be scared of the unknown. Just watch and study before you jump in.
That is a simple minded response. And an impolite way of saying it. And yes it wasn't correct of morningbird to say that or say it in that way but there are also kinder and more polite ways of notifying her of such. And you must also be understanding of the fact that some people on here may have had a run in with them that left them with sour feelings
I am confused, because I never mentioned Missouri…
Seriously, I just re-read my answer 3x and I have no idea where Missouri fits in. Totally baffled.
And while I perhaps shouldn't have used the word "shit", I still stand by my response as being correct and not the least bit racist. The only people who could possibly take offense are crazy missionaries, and by crazy, I mean those who instigate witch hunts- which still happens in Africa, by the way. The UN just addressed it this year for the first time (go UN), but it's been going on for hundreds of years and continues to this day. Look it up. Africa is the only continent that I am aware of where people believe people are born witches today, and if someone thinks you were born a witch there, things don't generally go well for you. They used to have witch doctors to deal with such situations with a minimum of bloodshed, but missionaries have lumped the witch doctors with the "witches" (It's actually quite a different definition there) and replaced them with mob rule. It's a serious problem. People kill babies and leave children out in the street to fend for themselves over this. There are whole orphanages full of "witch children".
Did you confuse the word missionary with Missouri? Because that baffles me even more. There's no Missouri in Africa.
While agreeing with morningbird's preceding, thoughtful, detailed reply, I also have another, shorter answer.
You ask if you're a "natural born witch". Apparently referring to an in-born, native character, gift, etc., as opposed to proficiency in learned skills.
If you are a two-legged, you are, in a sense, a "natural born witch". That is to say, that the capacity to shape reality in accordance with will, by metaphysical means, is an in-born capacity of all humans.
All magick accesses spiritual Relationship with All Beings. In this sense, all beings take part. All are channelling magickal/spiritual energy with every breath. All are shaping reality. This is why Right Relationship with all beings is necessary to the success of any spell.
May you find all the guidance you need.
I will answer this simply: everyone is a natural witch. it's simply a matter of realizing that everything is magic.
I couldn't have said it better myself