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I have a few theories on this with the limited information I have.
It could be that the connection you felt before was a sort of escape from an unpleasant reality and now that that is over, you are focusing more on material and mundane aspects of your life and spiritual things have taken a back seat. That's okay, by the way. We all go through waxing and waning periods in our lives where we deal with different things.
Also, when we live in different states, the methods that we use can be different. Because you are in a different situation now, you may need to explore different methods because those you've habitually fallen back on might not be appropriate for your new situation.
Another possibility is that you are at a point in your life where you need to learn and explore some new thing and Spirit is sort of barring the door for you to wallow in the familiar in order to encourage you to move forward in a new direction.
Either way, I believe that this sort of thing can be cleared up with several meditation sessions and a few restful evenings to sort out where you're going and what you should be focusing on. If nothing else, spending some time relaxing and not worrying will help clear your mind and that's the first step toward problem solving.
Might need some more context, but some medications can have an effect on how you perceive energy and even how your energy field manifests itself on this plane
Hi Mariko,
I'm a beginner in wicca and I wonder if my long term use of methadone treatments is blocking any or even everything that I am searching for? Like my Diety, meditation, and I try very hard to feel energies and it's dull to say the most…. when I was younger these things were all apart of my life and I 'felt' things call to me… without dragging out my explanation for days, maybe u can give me some insight?
I'm answering because I know many who have struggled with spiritual health and methadone. Indeed like any chemical I feel safe saying it certainly won't help your connection. It has a shut down effect. But I understand and don't advise you get off on a whim. I will encourage you to please be vigilant of dosage and make all effort to keep it low. It is important you also continue to take care of spirit even and especially when you don't feel connected. Go through the motions even when your not focused the time you give yourself is always beneficial. Also have intent to remove old patterns.. At some point you will have to decide when it is time to not need the treatment. Because most clinics will keep you on it forever. Its going to be hard really hard but you will make the choice. You don't belong to a drug.