How do I contact my spirit guides and any angels watching over me?
How do I contact my spirit guides and any angels watching over me?
How do I contact my spirit guides and any angels watching over me? I always feel like I'm being watched by someone or something when im in certain situations, such as when I'm home alone playing the paino or guitar, sometimes sleeping, or in important situations in my life and I don't know if it's my spirit guide or what (I'm not paranoid, as it doesnt worry me) but I also used to see this black cat with bright green eyes in my house all the time and I would have dream where it would talk to me and it always said It had something important to tell me and when I woke up I could never remember it. Could I use witchcraft to do this? thanks :)
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For me, the easiest way to get in touch with the spirit world is through dreaming. To do this, you will need a notebook and a pen. Before you go to sleep, write down in your notebook, at the top of a clean page, "Tonight I invite my spirit guides and angels to contact me through my dreams." and write the date. Next, say what you wrote out loud. Now, go to sleep. When you wake up, write down anything you think or feel at the time, even if you don't actually remember dreaming as writing these things down can trigger a memory. Remember to begin writing immediately upon waking up before you get out of bed or anything else, because these impressions can fade quickly, even if you wake up in the middle of the night. There have been times when I woke up and saw that I'd written something very interesting down and had no memory at all of waking up.
Another method, very similar, is through meditation. There are a few useful guided meditations on Youtube. I suggest you listen to the mediation through before you actually meditate to it, to be sure you aren't going to be instructed to do anything weird while you're suggestible.
Finally, the Ouija board was developed specifically to speak to spirits. I have zero experience with angels, so I don't know if it'll work with them. I don't actually have one of these though I have used them with other people in the past and it always turned out satisfactorily. You will need at least one other person to help you if you want to go this route. Visit for tips and instructions on how to do it safely and effectively.
While again, I'm not expert in Angels, I expect praying to them would work.