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Witchcraft is a craft, like any other. To become a witch is much the same process as becoming say, a master gardener. You do lots of research, you learn the theory and the skills involved, then you practice your skills, do some experiments, cast some spells, make it an important part of your life and you're a witch.
I believe the most important skill any magic-user can have is meditation. It helps develop skills of observation, control and visualization and teaches you to still your mind, which is so important in magick. From this foundation, you can explore more advanced altered states of consciousness later on. So, if you want to be a witch, start meditating today and practice every day in addition to reading many books, experimenting and practicing other skills and seeking out a teacher.
The Witchipedia has a six month intensive path-neutral class that is hosted through Facebook's groups. The next class is starting in September (and the one after that in March). If you're interested send a message through the Facebook page at
You can also find local groups, covens and classes at and a number of path specific online, including