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I am not a fan of keeping secrets from parents; being a parent myself. But there's a lot to learn about in witchcraft and most stuff that you do, you do in private anyway, unless you're working with a group- which I certainly don't recommend doing without your mother's knowledge. It's important she at least know who you're hanging out with, if nothing else.There are different aspects of witchcraft that you can focus on now, as a young person that probably won't alarm your mother and you can look into the other things later. You know your mom best, of course (though probably not as well as you think you do).
Anyway, keeping witchcraft private isn't hard. Most of us do it to some degree. How many witches do you know? Probably more than you think.
I too became interested in witchcraft at a young age. Fairly recently too! I am thirteen, and my family is very religious, so it would mortify my mom if she found out about my secret.
First you must gradually become "hipster." This will hide the meditation, herbs, and burning candles and plants. This is a slow process. educate yourself about global warming, and what's good for the environment, that way, it doesn't seem too fishy. Plus it will help later when you know more about plants, and mother nature, as well as the elements will see your good deeds.
Second, do spells and stuff at night, in a secluded area. Have an excuse just in case she does catch you. I personally would cast an open-mindedness spell on her. Cast circles MENTALLY!
Third, come up with crafty ways to hide your supplies. Hide your alter in your closet, disguised as an ordinary looking shelf. Hide your book of shadows and other books under your mattress, with different covers slid over the front. Don't be scared to get crafty, risky, or rebellious. Get a friend to help if you trust them enough.
Remember that your life, is your life. Nobody can tell you how to live, because you are the one making the decision and taking the consequence. Not them. Tell your parent(s) this if it comes to it.