animal questions!!! help!!!
animal questions!!! help!!!
Everytime I'm outside willywagtails are around me usually in three's and with 3 crows, all the time is there significance to this? I had a very special experience with a willywagtail, where on a school camp in my dorm it flew in on my bed next to me and after i follwed it outside it jumped and snuggled into my hand before flying off. I also am surrounded by bees and moths, I'm allergic to them yet i find their prescenc comforting and i pick them up and they sit and climb over my hands is there significance to this aswell?
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When I first read this I was like "Oh this guy is a joker, and making up animal names" till I put willywagtail in a search engine and learned something new!
It would seem that you have an energy that birds and flying insects, creatures of air, find appealing. I am not sure that this requires any action on your part except to enjoy it. If the time comes that you are going to do some hedge crossing or astral projection, you may wish to call upon these creatures (the astral versions of them) to guide or guard you, but otherwise, no worries.
When something is an omen it is always going to be something out of the ordinary that happens. If you always have these creatures around you, that's normal and you need not worry about it.
Sorry i'm from australia and willywagtails are from there too!
but thats so interesting thanks for the information!
Look up spirit animals and animal totems. That may shed some light on this. The threes make it seem more like a specific omen.