everytime i go outside i have dragonflies and butterflies start flying around me is there a significance to that?
everytime i go outside i have dragonflies and butterflies start flying around me is there a significance to that?
Its beautiful to have happen and i love them both but its just been recently that this has started and at first i just admired them but then i noticed they would start flying around every time i went out side…..so i was just wondering
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If this is something that has always been going on then it is your normal and can't be considered an omen. An omen is always going to be something out of the ordinary. It seems you have an energy that transitory creatures find attractive and that may say something about your personality.
I have also had similar path-crossings. But mine were always spiders and more recently, ravens. I swear every time I went outside I used to find a spider. Or 7. Even inside my house. I began to wonder if there weren't just many more spiders around that I never noticed.
In shamanism (which I'm becoming more and more convinced is at least somewhat related to witchcraft) regular animal-path crossings are very central to the messages the spirit world is trying to send you. Apparently spiders are about weaving your life and destiny, while ravens have to do with magic and communicating with the great spirit.
Dragon flies … let's see…
(according to some animal totem web page I cannot disclose as a guest:) (google spirit animals or animal totems)
Change and transformation
Joy, lightness of being
Symbol of the realm of emotions, invitation to dive deeper into your feeling
Being on the lookout for illusions and deceits, whether are external or personal
Connection with nature’s spirits, fairies realms
for butterflies it says the following:
Powerful transformation, metamorphosis in your life, personality
Moving through different life cycles
Renewal, rebirth
Lightness of being, playfulness
Elevation from earthly matters, tuning into emotional or spiritual
The world of the soul, the psyche
It's supposed to be a tool to help you identify the challenge you are going through at the moment. Grain of salt, though. I took a big risk to move to a new state and start over and it hasn't gone too well yet. Not too badly, either, but my career is dead as a dog. And now that my career is dead these ravens are everywhere… I don't know anymore. Ravens are a powerful spiritual omen, and I'm a wanna-be witch/shaman at best. So maybe you could interpret something out of that. And check more references than I did - study both animals, too. You might just find something that you didn't know you were missing.
Like I found that all spiders are hunters, and they all utilize webs in interesting ways. Still trying to figure it out, because I am a terrible hunter.