Energy sharing during meditation..
I have been meditating with someone else. Its hard to explain but I feel as if there are pieces of him in me now. During the meditation I could feel our energies flowing into one another in almost a circular motion and maybe about 10 to 15 mins afterward. But now I still feel as if he's still in there. Sounds crazy I know but now I am able to read his aura without concentration. I can see it when I look at him just like you would see his face. I know when he's around before I see him. It's like I feel him. He has used one of my Crystals to channel me during one of his spells and it woke me out of a sound sleep.
This is alot to read but what I want to know is..
Is this dangerous? Exactly what does it mean? Is it in my head?
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I have known this guy for years and I have never been attracted to him. But all of the sudden I cannot stop thinking about him. I feel as if he has taken up a permanent residency in my head…
Anytime you perform magick with some someone (or even against them) you form a connection and your energy is shared. If you don't break the connection and cleanse yourself of their energy, it can stay with you. It will fade in time if the process is not repeated, unless someone is actively trying to keep it going.
This sort of energy-sharing magick should only be practiced between people who truly trust one another. It can be dangerous, because what you have done is given this man easy access to your emotions and mind. If you trust him completely, it's not a big deal, but if he has any shady intentions, he can manipulate you quite easily from this place. Understand that this isn't a sexual thing or a sign that you're meant to be together. If you want to be together, fine, but know that you'd likely react the same way with anyone you did this kind of work with.
Although this isn't a curse, the ritual bath described in the article at will help you shed some of his residual energy, you can just use salt, you don't need to use any uncrossing herbs. You may also want to do a cutting the cord meditation during which you sever your link on the astral plane. Your ability to see his aura probably will not change, but it will get him out of your head.
He may react with confusion to this if you don't talk to him ahead of time about it, so do let him know (assuming, again, that you trust him). If he reacts with anger (assuming you are not coming at him with accusations), do not do this sort of magick with him again.
Next time, make sure you ground and center after each working. It helps put your energy back where it belongs and while your energy will be affected by interacting with his, it should be all yours but be prepared to do a ritual bath afterward, just in case.
I DO trust him, however, he's not my significant other. My fiance is very supportive of my studies and practice. He is not aware of my meditation with this guy though. He wouldn't understand. He would assume that it was a sexual thing.. he has gotten really good at channeling me. It feels as if someone is pulling on my heart and my stomach was in knots. As a solitary practitioner it does feel good to have someone to perform rituals with sometimes. However, I can't deny that he's in my brain constantly. I trust this man with my life but it does make it a little awkward when he pops into my mind or channels me in the middle of watching a movie.