Dream walking..
Over the passed year or so i have shared energy with someone (which i asked about in the question "energy sharing during meditation") whom im sure is unaware of how powerful he actually is. Either he doesn't know or hes really good at playing dumb. Either way it goes, i have had dreams about this man almost every night for months. I cant shake it. We had a little falling out a few months ago (right before the dreams started) i know he knows about the dreams, he hasnt said anything but i KNOW he knows, in my dreams its almost as if hes taunting me. When i read his aura its different now. I see alot of myself. And no this isnt a love thing. So after all of this.. my question is.. would he be able to walk through my dreams? And if so, can i stop him?
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Follow the steps in the article about how to break a curse- http://www.witchipedia.com/howto:how-to-break-a-curse Repeat as needed. (No, I don't think it's a curse, but this works for a lot of things.)
and do your best to keep him out of your mind, also consider -http://www.witchipedia.com/howto:how-to-protect-yourself-from-curses-and-psychic-attack
You warned me about a year ago how dangerous it was to share energy with him. Sighs..
Thanks for your guidance