Does the use of methadone in the form of daily treatment block my ability to feel energies or move them, hinder my spell work or
Does the use of methadone in the form of daily treatment block my ability to feel energies or move them, hinder my spell work or
I am a beginner in wicca and I'm not sure if my long term (prescription) use of this medication is keeping me from being able to connect with energy and nature the way I should? My senses are very dull and even though I have been researching for months I have not connected with a diety. I feel a pull to freyja but when I meditate or pray to her I feel nothing. I feel no energy's other than when I chant during the few spells I have tried. It's a tingling happy feeling, but it only last a short time and then nothing. I don't understand what is blocking me and the only thing I can think of is possibly my use of this medication.
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Various drugs and medication can interfere with your senses and abilities, however, drugs interfere with all kinds of things and every body reacts in its own way. Doing magic is not impossible when you are medicated, especially if you take medication regularly because you will adapt, just like you adapt in all other ways. We learn how to work, drive, parent, while on medication, we can certainly learn to do magick. Many magical people take pharmaceuticals to treat their various ailments and you shouldn't stop just because you want to do magick. You can learn to do magic with your "new normal".
Likewise, everyone connects with their own energy, nature and the divine in their own way. You have to find what is right for you and even un-medicated people can have a hard time with this. Magic is an art form, and very much a skill that you sometimes have to "fake it till you make it". And don't scoff, we do this with lots of skills, music, drawing, cooking, we just do it and do it and do it, no matter how inept we feel, no matter how embarrassing our initial creations are, we just do it until it starts to fall into place- and it doesn't happen overnight either. You develop an eye, an ear, any sense by practicing. And practicing is annoying unless it's something you enjoy doing.
As far as connecting with a deity, I don't think you have to. It certainly isn't a requirement for witchcraft and until you've developed your sense for shifts in energy, how will you feel their presence unless they smack you over the head anyway? There's always the possibility that Freyja has no interest in you and is ignoring you. And there's the possibility that Gods are merely manifestations of our subconscious and that part of your subconscious is blocked.
Anyway, the first rule of magick is "know thyself". Look in before you look out. Work on meditation, visualization, practice a few spells, honor the cycles that affect your life. Your Deities will find you when They decide you're something They can work with.
Thank you, you have given me a lot to think about. And I'm glad to hear that it's not the medication bc anything else I can work on.
I take meds for depression and that's something I will have to do long term. It does dull my senses a bit, but I haven't found that it interferes with my ability to cast spells or summon energy. The most important thing is to take the best care of yourself that you can, which means following a medical program if one is prescribed to you. To come off it may have far worse effects than failing to connect with a deity! I see this is an old post, so I hope you are successfully nearing the end of your program.
"Feeling" god or the goddess is not necessarily going to be a triumphant fanfare - it's more likely to be a moment of stillness and peace or a fleeting unexplained happy feeling for example. If you really want to try and connect, try a guided path working meditation, but bear in mind that it takes a lot of practice to open your mind and concentrate. Also, sometimes the pathworking throws out odd things. I tried a god pathworking the other day, and his words to me were "seek me out where the air is rarified" which, to me, meant a mountain. Well, as that's never going to happen I don't think our paths will cross any time soon! Disappointing to say the least, and certainly unexpected and random. But Persevere. As morningbird says, "fake it till you make it" and don't expect anything to happen - if you are a pagan witch then you are your own priest. Goddess is everywhere and within, so you just need to attune to yourself, not to anything external.