Does my crush know I'm contacting her spiritually?
Does my crush know I'm contacting her spiritually?
So I've been practice white magic to contact a loved one spiritually, emotionally, and in her dream spells. I kinda took it up a notch by placing a picture of her in the center of a pentagram I drew with two red ritualistic candles to call upon the gods. And I've noticed that anytime I spiritually contact her, she continues post pictures of her boyfriend (which she has issues with) like an hour or two later. Is she trying to push me out of her head? Is it a sign she knows I'm contacting her?
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It's really not possible to know her motivation, but if thoughts of you have not triggered her to reach out to you, chances are, they are unwelcome.
I want to make perfectly clear that I was not moralizing. "Harm none" is not a rule that I would ever throw out. I am not Wiccan. My spiritual ancestors were warriors.
But I do encourage you to always think about what you're doing in multiple contexts. Just because you do something by magick rather than in "meat space", does not mean it's okay or it doesn't count. If you call someone, leave a message and they don't call back you are maybe entitled to one more call in a few days to make sure you didn't just get lost in a shuffle somewhere. If you call someone repeatedly despite their best efforts to ignore you, you are entering creepy stalker territory. There are exceptions in certain business matters, of course, but none in personal matters. If it's creepy to do it with your body, it's creepy to do with with magic.
In fact, repeatedly contacting someone via magick is worse because you are making them think that it is their own psyche that is harassing them and this is like brain washing. Do you want to brain wash someone into being with you? Gas light them? That is abuse at best. Maybe even rape, assuming you gaslight them into letting you touch them. If you are a guy who is okay with that, you're certainly in good company as that's a tactic men have been using since time immemorial. But you have to ask yourself if you want to be That Guy.
I agree with morningbird. The first rule is "harm none". Don't assume you're practicing white magic because you're not physically harming the person. You should never try to contact someone psychically or enter their space without their permission. What you are doing is "stalking" your crush.
As morning bird said, you are not welcome. Using magic to manipulate, influence, or contact a person against their will is not white magic or a purpose for a higher good.