Does it matter what kind of sage I use for cleansing?
Does it matter what kind of sage I use for cleansing?
I want to cleanse my room, because I feel like my friend and I brought negitive energy, and I only have three current sage plants. Russian Sage, Sage Salvia, and I do have White Sage native to where I live, but I'm not sure how to Identify it. Does it matter which sage I use?
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White sage is used by many Native Americans to prepare for ceremony, but cleansing by means of smoke is common throughout many cultures. If you'ren not performing a Native American ceremony, then white sage isn't necessary at all. Many types of herbs can be used for smoke cleansing, including garden sage, thyme, cedar, pine, frankincense. I wouldn't use Russian sage.
Personally, I only use what I harvest myself or is given to me as a gift.