Déjà vu?
Déjà vu?
I experience déjà vu at least 3 times a week. Most of the time it's little things.. like a conversation I've had before or something silly like that. But I've also had dreams about people I don't even know. I had a dream about my current boyfriend about 6 months before I met him. At first I thought I was crazy and he did too. But last week I had a dream about an old friend of the family.. we were having a birthday party for him but he never showed. I had my mom call him.. his birthday was the day before and he was in the hospital after a motorcycle accident. It was the strangest thing ever. So what I'm asking… does this seem like the gift of premonition?
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As a person who is a Wiccan, witch, and a medium, I would have to say this does sound more like a gift then just normal déjà vu. I would meditate on this and speak with my primary guide so that I could better understand what is going on and if this is truly a gift or if you are being given this information as happenstance. My Great-grandmother had dreams of people who were going to pass on and made a point to tell people. So it does happen, and if it is a gift then that is a beautiful one.
Blessed be
I've never met anyone who has déjà vu and dreams like I do. It made me feel crazy 😢
Glad you asked that.
As a specialist in dream interpretation & divination, (with experience of significant/extraordinary deja vu, myself,) my theory is this:
Where deja vu comes from is precognitive dreams.
Such dreams can happen to anyone, even to those who have no interest or belief in psychic phenomena, who "never dream", (meaning, they usually don't remember dreams.)
Dreams we recall may be just a fraction of our dreamtime: much of which may happen in deep sleep, below the "radar" of Waking Mind.
In deja vu, a moment previously experienced in a dream, syncs with its occurence in waking reality.
I've found deja vu & prophetic dreams very active around significant others. While your dream about a friend in trouble was an excellent, classic example of its type.
Bravo, for your thoughtful observation of phenomena you experience. Becoming well-versed in identifying different types of dreams, & other phenomena, greatly helps develop your psychic skills.
I've also had "visits" with my father (he passed in 2000) he comes to me in a white room and gives me information.
When I was about 3 months pregnant he took me on a lake (in my dream in 2006) and we were walking on the water. The only way I wouldn't sink was if I held his hand. I slipped and almost let go. He caught me and placed his hand on my belly and told me how my future son would be a football player… about 3 months later I found out I was having a beautiful baby boy.
My dad has caused me to wake up out of a sound sleep when something was wrong. His voice shook my whole body until I woke up like the night my mother (who is allergic to peanuts),ate something cooked in peanut oil. Her throat was closing in her sleep and he shook me. HARD. Is my guide coming to me as my father or do you think it's really him?
I believe that we share the dream space with everyone on the planet. I cannot tell you if this is really true, but I find it to be functionally true, that is, if I behave as if this is the case during dream work, it works out just fine. Possibly animals share this space as well, I have come upon many animals in my journeys.
Many people do not remember their dreams, as has been noted, but all healthy people dream every night (there are some medical conditions and drugs that interfere with this), even if they can't recall their dreams and those that can, don't recall most of them. I find the dreams I recall best are the ones that have the most emotion attached to them. Most people spend time in their dreams dealing with their own stuff, playing out fantasies, going over things that happened during the day, organizing, categorizing and filing away new information they've learned, applying it to old information- the things we can do with our minds in dreams absolutely dwarfs what we can do with them while awake. Just because you don't remember, doesn't mean that information isn't tucked away in your mind waiting to be revealed at the right moment.
If we go wandering in dreams, we are very likely to come into contact with other people. I find the people we are likely to come in contact with are people we have a connection to. I don't think the connection needs to be current because I don't think dreamspace exists in time like we do. So, you may run into people you haven't yet met, or people you've forgotten in waking life.
Also, I find personally, that people I run into are people who are giving off very strong emotions or who have very strong emotions attached to them from other people. While dreamspace time doesn't match up to waking time, if someone is undergoing a trauma, they tend to bring it to their dreams. This is what I find I run into.
As for your father, I believe he is watching over you. It will be easier for him to come to you in dreams, because in dream space your senses are more open to spiritual energy. But there can be waking world manifestations too. I don't know where people go where they die, but I have experienced people hanging around for awhile many times. My Great-Grandmother stayed around for awhile but has since moved on. Both my Mother and my Grandmother have told me on many occasions that my Grandfather has instructed them on a course of action. I believe he's waiting for my Grandmother to join him before he moves on. My friend's mother died when we were children and we both saw her quite often when we were young until she moved away to stay with her grandmother, after that I don't know. Your father must believe he has more fathering and husbanding to do and is going to stick around until he's done.
On the other hand, he could be a manifestation of your subconscious giving you the information you need. It's really up to you to believe what works best for you. Belief is belief. We can't prove any of this stuff. We have only what works for us and what doesn't.
I was just a little girl when my father left this world. I want so badly to believe that he's there. Sometimes I swear I can feel him or even smell him. My father used to smell like paint thinner and Ben Gaye lol crazy combo and I never smell it anywhere except when I'm going through a rough time. At times I think it's me wishing he was here to help and the smell manifested. However my mother swears she's smelled him too. Especially waking up in the hospital RIGHT after the peanut oil incident.