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I can honestly say i've never heard of a rune like that. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Focus on the energy you feel around it, the ideas it brings to mind and the like. You might just find your own meaning for it, or a personal connection to it. You mentioned that it's sometimes written in blood but that's not an outright bad thing either, it could just mean that this is a very intimate symbol to you. Sorry I can't be more help beyond this. Blessed be.
Perhaps if you told us the context, like maybe the setting of the dream, any characters you might have interacted with, that might give us a starting point to search. There are just so many symbols in the world.
And also, I'm assuming since you typed T that it's T and not t that we're looking for.
When looking at the Elder Futhark runes Tiwaz is associated closely with "T" and the rune Kenaz "<" does look like that. Kenaz is closely associated with fire, the torch: creativity, illumination, knowledge. Tiwaz is associated with the god Tyr (judgement), this has been related to balance, justice, and sacrifice for the inner-self.
It is not uncommon to see runes put together, like sigil magick almost.
Perhaps this is your dreams telling you that there needs to be balance in your inner-self and through it you will gain much knowledge in what you are seeking.
Runes are powerful tools and have much to share with us.
Hope this helped!
it could be a "take" sigil. maybe some other words sigil its probably an important message since it keeps returning.