Can I use someone else's spell (Internet, book, etc.) or do I have to write my own?
Can I use someone else's spell (Internet, book, etc.) or do I have to write my own?
I've found a few spells I would like to try on the Internet and in a few books. I was reading somewhere that using someone else's spells requires you to share energy and their intentions mixed with yours. Is this true? Would it be pointless to use someone else's pre-made spell?
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If it were pointless, nobody would share spells. There are spells that have been passed around for decades that everyone uses, like the Freezer spell and the Witches Bottle, but everyone pretty much puts their own spin on them. If you're going to use someone else's spell, first write it down in your journal, the entire thing, start to finish. Then read it through, imagine yourself performing it and decide if it makes sense to you. Do you agree with their choices of ingredients, do you find the wording awkward or not specific enough, too specific? Make notes on this and feel free to make changes as needed or don't if you don't want to. Think of it like a recipe for food. If something doesn't make sense, do some research to see if you can figure out the logic. If it just seems ridiculous to you, go ahead and change it, or give it a try and see if it makes more sense in context. Do keep your journal so if things go awry you can go back and figure out what happened.
Some people do believe that spells you create yourself are much more powerful, and I can see a logic in that because writing it and figuring out which herbs or colours to use helps to focus your intent, but that doesn't mean spells created by someone else have no place. Think not just of spells shared in books and magazines but also hereditary witches passing on knowledge through the generations, or covens requiring initiates to copy from the collective Book of Shadows. The good thing about using someone else's spell is it gives you a framework. I often find a spell I like the look of but then change it to make it more me. Maybe it works with a deity I don't connect with, or the chant is something I would never say, or calls for a herb I don't have, however sometimes I cast a spell exactly as I discovered it because I love the way it's worded and I'm confident it will work for me. It's all about what feels right for you and going with it. Good luck!
I suggest against blindly using other peoples' spells. But like the other commenters I agree that as long as you make it yours in some aspect then go with it. I personally create all my spells from scratch so I know that everything makes sense to me, but I can understand that that can seem like a lot of work, especially to anyone who's new to the path. So, do what you want just make sure that you CARE about what your doing.
Freezer spell, Witches Bottle? I am studying a very long book after having this magic thing somewhat thrust upon me. I stumbled upon this site and am amazed that there is somewhere people can chat and exchange information without having to get into the great library or some such that for a complete newbie seems to take a lot of intent. I love the fact that there are some spells that have been passed around for decades that everybody knows. I am not looking to make my path fun just maybe a little more light harted and individual … where can I find more information on the Freezer spell and the Witches Bottle. Thanks xo
I made an article about the Witches Bottle here
I should do one for the Freezer Spell too. Basically, it's binding spell. You put your ingredients into a container with water (sometimes people don't bother with the water) and you do your spell and put it in the freezer. The idea being that as long as the container is frozen, the binding spell is in effect.
There's also the Honey Jar
The particulars on any of these vary mostly by geography as Witchcraft is a very practical craft as well as an opportunity for creativity and a clever witch uses what's on hand and whatever odd thing she's inspired to add. Some witches like to paint and use glitter, some like to infuse whatever water they're using with herbs, some prefer to use crystals, some use both. Some buy fancy bottles, some use mason jars, some wash out empty spaghetti jars, others create their own pottery to contain their spells. The point is, even though these are spell standards that everyone eventually hears about, everyone pretty much does them their own way.
My husband (a musician) calls this Jazz-witchcraft. You've got all these jazz standards that any jazz musician eventually learns, but everyone does them in their own unique way.