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Well, it may be the other way around. Maybe you feel or see onknowingly something is going to happen. It may be clairvoyance, which in fact almost everyone is, but many people are not aware or even ignore their experiences.
I was like you.I found that my dreams were so real,id be afraid to go to sleep. Whats worse is, most came true. It was the goddess. Do not be frightened young beam, it is for good.It is a special gift. she said. I used it to my advantage then. I just KNEW when things were going to happen.sometimes it was a thought in my head.Other times a dream. either way i learned how to control it through practice.I saved my son in law from a car crash by saving- it will snow tonight, the ice will be on the roads. there is to be a crash in the city. Do not go, it is dangerous. I can feel it.
There had been no weather report saying anything about snow.It wasn't even raining or REALLY cold. That night there was a crash but my son in law wasn't in it because he stayed home. Use this gift to your advantage young one. But use it wisely. Try to ask the goddess about your muirn beatha dan.
I hope my grandchild will hve this gift.
i have the same gift , ive had it all of my life even though im only 25 , you should research it , try to notice any other gifts you may have , particularly i can craft things very easily even with just a knife and wood with no actual teaching , ive used it to make wands and staffs and im about to start delving into rune magic , also ive seen spirits sense i was a child , you should look up magic that compliments your natural gifts like previous comments use it for your advantage and use it for a good purpose .