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Controlling fire is one of the things that sets mankind apart from other animals. There are Youtube videos about it.
Well said.
It depends on your connection. When i was a very young girl found that near fire my hands did not burn easily, i never got blisters and i could always tolerate intense heat. When i first became a witch i found it easiest to scry with fire. Air signs with smoke of incense, water with water and earth with leaves,feathers etc.
to control fire you must be practiced in The Craft. but overall, you must put all your "energy" into it and feel yourself in its flames. Think of dancing in them.Of moving with them. try practicing with candle flames to start.begin by either ordering it to become hotter,its flame to raise,its flame to lessen, for it to project less heat, for the flame to flicker etc.the possibilities are endless. However, if you order it, the flame tends to be passive aggressive. But if you befriend it and ask it nicely first, then it may be willing to do as you ask. Just like a dog. Beat it, it will be slow to obey. Be nice to it, it will not mind doing you favors. I seem like the crazy old witch i am, but fire has life- all the elements do, otherwise they wouldn't be here. However, fire is like its name.Extremely temperamental. If you want to control fire, be careful. Only witches know exactly what they are playing with.
Blessed Be, Best witches.
I am a young witch, I started practicing wicca a year ago. I am still exploring witchcraft. But I would like to manipulate elements. The thing is that I am not sure where to start. Do you have any advice for me?
So I habe a strong connection with fire and my friend has a connection with wind and I think that I have been controlling fire my whole life. When I was five I would walk around the bonfire and the flame would follow me! So I definitely have a strong connection with fire.
Fire as an element and a practical tool is fascinating. If your interest continues you could consider a career in the fire service. You would be making a very useful contribution to society. Now that is witchy.