Can an old evil eye to bring you bad luck ?
In one day i was at a jewerly repairman because some of my jewerly where broken and some of them i gave to him and he gaved me some rings that he had on a napkin. I noticed an evil eye, but i already achived the rings, and my mother observed the eye and said that if he can give me that one for free…for my surprise he agreed.
When i got home i felt so anxious and angry, and after that someone told me that is because of the eye…i really liked that eye because it looked different, not like those usual evil eyes…so when i felt the moment to trow it away, i went on the street and i saw a homeless woman and she asked for money and i put it on her hand…i don't know if it was just my mind that played things on me, but now i know i don't have it, and i'll never gonna see it again.
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Evil eye jewelry is for protecting against the evil eye. Not for giving you the evil eye. And why on Earth would you give someone (someone with less than you, no less) something you believed to be cursed? That's about the meanest thing I ever heard. Intention matters.
There's no such thing as luck or chance. Those words are just lazy ideas for people who don't want to take responsibility for their own lives.The very core of Witchcraft, any magickal practice, really, is taking responsibility for your own life. Everything that happens to you is a direct result of your actions, attitudes, the energy you put out into the world and the way you react to the energy you receive. The best defense against curses and "bad luck" is a good, generous attitude and a positive outlook. You would have done yourself more good if you had given that woman something to eat or something to wear or enough cash to get herself a room for the night.