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I'm fairly certain we've had this question before… but there is no lore that I am aware of that says that witches make vampires. There are many stories about where vampires come from, witches aren't in them.
There was a young teenage Witch…..on the set of the movie "Twilight". She practiced at a young age. She loves Vampires…..really. She doesn't lie unless she absolutely has too. Witches live a very long time…..and they need alot of money to keep up. Voices are apart of their lives. PREGNANCY by a male is sometimes a problem for a jealous witch. Usually a good Dad would handle a bad Witch. I just feel like I have had to deal with the Devil not a Witch. Just wanted all that is good to know. She is up to no good again and her Ex is getting innocent Witches pregnant. Without asking. Becareful. 🎃🎃🎃
I've read about a legend where a witch was responsible for the curse of Vampirism.
One of two twin brothers raped her daughter(?) who then killed herself and she cursed the fruit of the loins of their father to an eternal life, having the urge to drink blood, being burned by the sun, you know it.
The book wasn't sure about weather it was her intent to curse both brothers, the innocent one two, or if she didn't know there was a second brother or if it was intentional or not that they could pass the curse on through their blood.
Vampires are those who prey on other humans, psychically, sexually, financially, or physically. Like anyone else, the vampire is responsible for what he is and does.