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There is a ritual/spell for every purpose. However, magick cannot work in a vacuum. You must do real life, mundane work to bring about your intentions. The word "wish" implies that you're just sitting around hoping someone else is going to come around to save you. A fairy godmother, a knight in shining armor. That is not what magick is about. Magick is about making things happen. Not wishing they would.
write your wish in present form ("I wish to be cool" -> "I am cool.") on a bay leaf in dragons blood ink, and burn it over a white or yellow candle. dispose of any leftovers by scattering them into the wind, facing east. If your wish is possible, I'd say there's roughly an 85% chance that your wish will come true, but there are no guarantees haha
What if you dont have dragons blood ink? What could be a substitute?
What's the signifigance of scattering the leftovers to the east?
You can substitute anything. It's all symbolic. It doesn't need to be special ink. The most important part of that spell is that you write your wish as an affirmation in the present tense (Using her example, you would write "I am cool") but you also have to visualize yourself in the position you've written (i.e. being cool, whatever that looks like) and feel what it would feel like to be there.
East is the direction of new beginnings and possibility- where the sun comes up. But the wind is going to take the ashes in whatever direction it happens to be going. You can also dispose of your ashes in moving water. The idea is that it's moving, spreading out into the Universe.
Remember that after you make your wish, you have to do concrete work to make it happen.