Am I too old to begin my journey into the Craft?

I am thirty-four years old. I have a wonderful woman, four great kids, and a job I like ( mostly). Since I was a kid, I have held a fascination for Magick and Witchcraft, reading and absorbing all I could on the subject. However, being raised in a pretty fanatical Christian household, my resources were always extremely limited, as all reading material was restricted and monitored, and smart phones and the Internet as we now know it did not exist (wait…WHAT???). I have never really fit in anywhere or with any social groups; I have been informed I'm a strange guy, as there aren't many "Magic: The Gathering" players, avid readers, or Magick practitioners on most construction sites. I've recently began extensively pursuing my interest in all paths of the Craft, and have begun actively practicing the Arts. I've found it quiets my mind, relaxes my body, and brings me much enjoyment, and I have seen results. My question, however, is this: am I too old to be just a beginner? I know many start out at a much younger age, and some spend a lifetime at study of the Magick arts. Am I wasting my time on "silly pursuits"?

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