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If you have some knowledge of the natural world (maybe herbs, maybe crystals, maybe astrology, every witch is different) and you cast spells (whether they be via charms, incantations, ceremonial magick or otherwise) on a somewhat regular basis, then you may be a witch.
Everyone is born with the ability to do magick. Some people have psychic abilities, but this doesn't automatically make them a witch. Some people have a real affinity for nature, but this doesn't make them a witch either. Witches must learn and they must practice.
You may be born into witchcraft, your parents may be witches, but this doesn't make you a witch either. You might know more about witchcraft than someone who wasn't born into it, but unless you practice and hone the craft, you're still not a witch.
Psychic abilities = psychic
Affinity for nature = Nature lover
Born to witches = kid of a witch
Learn + Practice = witch
Hi, I have always been attracted to learn natural magic, love the nature and animals, I have a protector I can feel that, because I have walked in paths of black magic, but I do not practice it. I believe in universal love and respect for all God's creation. I believe in Karma.
So, I'm a witch?
Please re-read the above.
A Witch practices witchcraft. Witchcraft has nothing to do with Karma, and is not defined by having a protector or loving nature. It is a craft, with specific skills. All the rest is window dressing.
Thank you for this. I was born into a native American/natural witch home and have been called a witch my entire life because of all the unexplainable happenings that occur around me down to a witnessed Tornado being 100 Ft from me, my home, with my children in it And at first being frightened but then pissed at the tornadoe Audacity and walking out into the storm and demanding it go around. I barely remember this account myself except being so furious at the tornado and my uncle and finance trying to keep me inside but telling them i was gonna go talk to the tornado it didn't realize what it was doing and even thinking as i said that to them bitch you sound like a lunatic. I thought surly i must have been in shock to do that but all who seen it said the tornado literally stopped 100 feet from me and there were things flying everywhere even hitting right beside me but never me and it freaking turned and went around me and ripoed my barn to shread then dissipated. Also electricity is insane around me and I've been hit by lightning and walked away never went to the hospital although the shit hurt and i mean with about 30 witnesses i was smoking and smelled like burnt ass not to mention to agility to feel everything. Everyone's emotions and it kills me and their thoughts but not like reading their mind just knowing what they want or need or feel and sometimes not being able to block it. I don't practice witch craft. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and washed in his blood and i pray for my brother Lucifer to find peace and his way home i pray for all but I'm struggling so much with all this. What am I???
You're an empath. And very in tune with the weather. I am not sure what I'd call that. People call it weather witching, but that's not an accurate phrase. Like people call me an animal whisperer, but what it is, when I really think about it, is just really good observation and sensitivity to the energy they're giving off, just more empathy. There's no whispering involved-
sometimes there's hollering- mostly watching and matching energy for energy. So with the weather for you, like an energy connection, you can sense its mood and personality and match it as you need, because how else are you going to get a tornado to listen to you unless you match its rage? That's an empathic ability. All empaths are connected to human emotions, but some of us get a bonus. You get weather. Congratulations.
Empaths make good Witches, but it doesn't automatically mean you're a Witch. It is your choice to be a Witch and it's an important choice because it really is a complete lifestyle, not just a thing you do on the side. You can learn to work with your natural abilities, learning shielding, giving yourself an on and off switch (or rather a full power and low power switch) without being a witch. And if you do want to be a Witch, I know lots of Christian Witches. It's all up to you.
Chop some wood and haul some water. A witch is known by their deeds. If you feel better outdoors, get out there!
If you think you can read other peoples minds, think them good thoughts.
if the borrowers (or pixies) like you, leave them treats.
Everyone in this world has a Magickal gift but that doesn't necessarily make them a witch. Witchcraft is the art of magick, we can control weather, tame beasts, make someone fall in love, heal (ect.) But to be honest if you're truly a witch you wouldn't only recognize your gift, you wouldn't have to ask.
I want to know if I'm a witch! I hold a special gift and I see it coming to light!
Witches practice witchcraft. If you have not learned and practiced witchcraft, if you do not study and practice magick in the style of the cunningfolk, you are not a witch. You are a person with a special gift. Lots of people have special gifts, these do not define a witch. A witch learns, studies, and practices. Witch craft.
Chances are if you find yourself asking this question, you do have magickal blood. Try to meditate and find out who you are by simply asking in your head, who am I? the answer will ring true to you. Becoming a witch isnt about preforming spells, or changing the world around you. Its about accepting who you are, and growing to understand life and the gifts we are given each as individual human vessels.
It's entirely possible to be "Witchy" or "Witch-like" without actually being a Witch. It's also entirely possible to BE a Witch without benefit of Initiation into the Craft. Some would disagree with that statement; there are people who believe that if you're not an Initiate of one of the Branches of the Craft Tree (My own image), or Tradition, you're not a "real" Witch. I think it's clear that I disagree. What you do get as an Initiate that you do not get without it, is a much greater Power source, and the Protection of the Guardian Spirit of whichever Tradition you're Initiated into. For example, if you're an Initiate of the Gardnerian Tradition, you're Spiritually connected to every Gardnerian that ever was, and every Gardnerian that ever will be. Furthermore, you're also Connected to the Antecedents of the Tradition, all the way back to the Goddess and God themselves. In truth, They are the founders of each Tradition. They are also the Destination of each Tradition - forming a Perfect Circle. If you are an Initiate, and should you prove worthy, you have at your disposal the equivalent of a huge power generator. Without Initiation you have - if you're very, very good - a "D" cell battery. Or two.
Oh, and one more thing…….to be a Witch (I dislike the term "Wiccan" not fond of being PC) …. you have to practice Witchcraft …. alone, or as a Member of a Coven. Witchcraft is more of a verb than a noun.
merry meet!
alright, i'ma witch, have been for while now.Some people are born into it- they have a natural affinity for nature, feel a pull towards a particular element (normally the one that is liked to your astrological sign. eg. Leo= fire. You might believe you have an animal familiar, like i do, and you might believe in the powers of crystals,colors and the significance of simple signs (4 leafed clover). But to ask if you are a witch shouldn't be a question, it should be a feeling more or less. No we do not sacrifice.No we do not fly broomsticks.Yes we cast spells (the majority of us for the greater good).If you have to even ask if you are a witch, you should read more about it. I first realized i was a witch when i ran across a pentacle.I felt connection to it.I felt whole in nature.I felt alive.I read up on Wicca and found it to match my pre-formed belief.I believed every word i read, it all made sense. I recognized myself as Wiccan and have flown ever since. That was many years ago, but do not say- am i a witch. Simply research it and go, do i believe this? If you do not follow the wiccan- you are a witch in terms of Pagan. Worshiping without laws and how you seem fit. If you worship the way of Wicca,you are a true witch.
Blessed Be,
If you're wiccan, you're a true witch? I'm sorry, child, however you got it all wrong.
Could you clarify on that?
The truth is, most witches are not Wiccan. Witchcraft exists in just about every culture and religion and most have never heard of Wicca. Wicca is not the only True form of Witchcraft, it is merely the best advertised. And if you look at Wicca objectively, it is, by itself, not Witchcraft, despite what the authors may tell you. In truth, there are many Wiccans who do not cast spells and thus, do not practice witchcraft. Many Authors will disagree with this, stating that the casting of circles and invoking Gods is magick, and it is, but is it spells? Semantics, I know. To me it looks a lot like High Magick/ Ceremonial Magick, which is NOT the same as Witchcraft. Witchcraft is at its most basic, low magick/ folk magick/ practical magick. Its purpose is to make something happen in the world, to increase or decrease, to alter, to change. High Magick's purpose is to get closer to God(s)/ Spirit/ Deity and to primarily bring about a change in yourself (if change occurs beyond yourself it's just a bonus). That's magick, but it's not witchcraft.
Also, the idea that Pagans don't have laws is quite insulting. There are many Pagan religions. We each have our own laws. Not all Witches are Pagans, either, I might point out. Some are even Atheist, and they also have strict rules based on Natural Law. I find these much more admirable than reciting trite poems at people.
If you can do spells, potions, and rituals, you're a witch
dear all,
being a witch is a feeling, felling to help all in need, feeling to share all knowledge we bring to this life , we have much stronger emotions than normal people, we don't like to kill, we don't support killing , abusing ( animals, children, people…)… we believe in God and all creation of planet, we believe in good and all religions are good for us…. , we see good and we work from love, we have to work from love as our emotions are so powerfool , we don't like to feel bad or depressed we can make lots of damage if we feel bad… so we are Gods workers, based in human body, we can help a lot by scanning people , we just feel all , when we see a human, we feel all emotions and all that body needs… so its kinda good thing for life…. but we can't use this powers or gifts as you like, for ourselves…. I was deppprest when I was a girl , because of some boys…. I was in love, after they all died, some sooner some later…. they had a really bad life so you need to learn how to control emotions and hove to be always happy and confident , …. my friends they know all , they feel , they sea how nature and people are behaving when Im close…. but they are use to it and , I try to give all love and all I can do for them….. but sometimes we need to learn life on this planet without any help, how to become light its just working hard to be good to give love, to be love….. we are allways here, we come back every life…. we can't become light, that is why when you are a child you learn hard how to control emotions, you know all plants, all animals, you know feelings, you feel planet, you feel birds talking, you hear night, you talk to moon…… if you talk to grownups they make you crazy….. so you are raised by yourself, animals and feelings from nature ….. now I'm a mother and wife…. I live life very normal, closed, I try to help and work from small part of people close to me…. I share lots of knowledge , from inside, I do good , I believe in God , I'm happy I know nobody will burn me in this life…. my husband knows how I work , how hard is to control feelings when my family and life is the question ….. so people enjoy life, full of love, until you learn to be love and to share love you willl always come back to Earth….death is just another celebration of life…. that is why we don't cry, we are not sad…. we are happy and we celebrate death…. my daughter is 5 now and she is the same…. I had a grandmother she was same…. just she was more bad to people and animals… my little girl is good to nature , animals, people and her feelings are sooooo stronge she can make a rain fall down…. she is same like I was ….. stopping to cry …only if she really hits her body somewhere hard she will cry…. but otherwise she is not crying…. she is already learning the emotion control…. I was 6 when 2 doctors raped me , that was a biggest test in my life , how to keep calm and share love, try to understand, …. nobody understanded me , I was just a big rock in small body…. now I know why …. I'm becoming stronger and stronger every year …. my point in this life is to talk to people, help them to find a way of love in hard life….. making a way to God… until they can walk alone on the right way….. that should be a good job for preachers, but they are stilll not doing their job corectly, making people affraid is devils work, ….. that is why man , especially people from churches, make a story about witches and started to burn woman…. , witches were always there to help….. to work for God…. imagine who was in head of these people burning a woman alive….. God was not there with them for sure… anytime you hear for witch , anytime you feel she is close, don't be afraid, she is with reason in your life…. lots of hugs from Balkan…. a place where many many witches live , love
I completely agree with your statements.i am a witch of the earth. Do not believe in using stones r spells. For if you r born with inner power, from God, you have all the power that you need….
If you paint, you're a painter. If you write, you're a writer. If you practise witchcraft, you're a witch. I am also very new to this and asking myself questions, EXCEPT for whether I am a witch or not. Right now, I am not, next week, I might well be.
I have a few useful skills - a connection to nature, deep empathy and understanding of people, reasonable Tarot skills, some unintentional mind-reading now and again, but this doesn't make me a witch. I am not a witch yet. I am preparing myself to be a witch by working out what I want to read and learn, making a blank book of shadows that I can write my studies in, starting to learn about herbs and other correspondences, gathering a few tools that will be special to me (for example, I have a wooden chalice that my grandfather made. Very much treasured and loved even though it is battered) I don't have a wand and I am waiting for one to come to me as I walk out and about - a fallen stick or something I can whittle. I collect stones that have a certain feeling about them. I even have a meteorite from the 2015 Perseids shower that fell in my own garden. How fortunate am I? It truly feels like a gift and I love its energy. But that is all just preparation towards being "ready," and in my case it's not a matter of having all the trappings - I will just use my finger as a wand until I find one - it's a case of being sure that I am serious about this path. I don't want to rush in to find it's not for me, or that I've moved onto the next "best thing". Once I feel ready to commit to it and I can be sure that it's not just the flutter of "first love", I will make a start on my book of shadows and study will commence in earnest. Then, once I am practising, I will be a witch.
I am not likely to join a coven because of the commitment to so many meetings, it would be impossible and my husband is tolerant but would not like me being part of a Coven. He superstitious and ignorant, like plenty of other Christians tainted by their teachings, and a tiny bit scared of anything "witchy". I respect that - I hope to change it, but for now I will balance my relationship with my faith and my practise. I will be a solitary witch and may never have the joy of being initiated. I will just self-dedicate at an auspicious time and do my best to learn and to grow with the resources available. Dedication is just self-affirmation, and initiation is simply like "marriage" to the faith, the craft and the coven, but neither "makes" you a witch - your practise does that. Instead of asking others, simply ask yourself. Meditate on it. The answer will be clear. But if it's a "yes" and all this seems to fit into some already held beliefs, and paganism or wicca or whatever you have chosen is "home" and you want to practise witchcraft, then you simply have to start to practice. That's all there is to it. I hope you find your answer within yourself - it's the best place to look.