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Do you do magic?
I think I'm a Magician simply because I follow the Moon chart with my location and chant at the sunrise wearing the color of the day , am I at least a budding Warlock ?
Those two words are quite different. But the word Magician derives from Magi who were primarily astrologers, so it sounds like you may be taking steps in the right direction.
Morningbird is correct, a Witch/Wiccan and a Magician are two very different things.
being at one with our nature doesn't mean you are a magician,Larch.
Correct, you are just channeling the energy you have that connects you with the Universe. If you were to use this energy to perform spells with than you would either be a Witch or Wiccan depending on your beliefs
if you are a boy you are a warlock if you are a girl then you are a witch
pegans and wiccans are not magicians everything that pegans and wiccans do are REAL not fake magic
I don't think he meant a magician like "someone who performs magic tricks on a stage." I think he means along the lines of a ceremonial magician—which has a huge spiritual component.
Which begs the question: Do you do ceremonial magic? The chanting at sunrise seems like you at least have an interest in high magic, ritual and ceremony.