The element Earth is a classical Western element associated with the physical body and material abundance. The energy of Earth is considered cool and dry and is feminine in nature.

Classical Philosophy

In ancient Greek philosophy, Earth was one of four archai that formed the basis of everything in the universe. Plato associated the element of Earth with darkness, thickness and quietness and visualized it as the shape of a cube. Aristotle believed Earth to be the heaviest element.

In ancient Greek medicine through to Medieval Times, the element of Earth was associated with black bile and the melancholic humor.

In Magic(k)

The element of Earth is one of the four (or five) elements of modern Western magical systems, the others being air, fire, water and sometimes spirit or aether.

The elements are usually invoked during ritual in order to balance the energy in the sacred space or the practitioner herself, but may also be invoked independently to lend their energy to spellwork within its sphere of influence or to help the practitioner balance out an excess of earth energy.

The element of Earth relates to stable foundations and rules health, wealth, prosperity, employment and fertility. It is often evoked for stone, crystal and knot magic and spells related to the hearth and home, to gaining material things including money and employment and to general security and family matters.

Earth is often evoked from the North in the form of spirit creatures associated with Earth, including gnomes, Fauns, Goblins, Satyrs, Dryads or Sylvestres or by calling upon divinities or other spirits associated with Earth and Gods and Goddesses of Earth such as Demeter, Ceres, the Horae, Persephone, Proserpina, Hades, and Pluto.

When creating sacred space or purifying areas, objects or individuals for ritual, Earth may be employed in the form of salt or ocre sprinkled around the area or used to make a mark.

Earth may be represented on an altar by stones or crystals, a bowl of salt or soil. Colors used to represent air include dark earthy colors, such and brown and black and green. The element may also be represented by statues of animals associated with the element of Earth, such as the bull, the stag, the dragon, the wolf, the owl, the cat and the sphinx.

Healing Magic

In ancient Greek medicine, the element of Earth is associated with the humor black bile. Earth and black bile are cold and dry. An excess of black bile causes melancholy.

In Alchemy

The alchemical symbol for Earth is a downward pointing triangle bisected by a line. Earth is cold and dry and represented by salt.


Earth Plants

Plants that correspond with the element of Earth are nourishing, nutrient and calorie dense and often store for a long time. Alternatively, they may be earthy-smelling, or grow near or within the soil.

All grains, ivy, red poppy, thrift plant, vetiver, mushroom, potato

Earth Stones

Minerals that correspond to the element of Earth are generally dark or green in color and often lack sparkle. They are usually heavy and cool as well.

Onyx, jade, halite, amethyst and flourite are all associated with the element of Earth although any stone can represent Earth in a pinch. A dish of soil can also represent the element of Earth.



Planetary Correspondences

The element of Earth is associated with the Venus, the Saturn and of course the Earth

Symbols of the Element of Earth


1 The alchemical symbol for the element of Earth is a downward pointing triangle with a line through it.

Pentacles also symbolize the element of Earth.

In Astrology

The element of Earth is associated with the zodiacal signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


Earth is associated with the Pentacles and the Universe card.

Other Associations

The element of Earth is associated with old age and the season of autumn or winter.

See Also

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