A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth causing the Sun to be fully or partially obscured by the Moon, as seen from Earth. This happens only during the New Moon.
A total eclipse happens when the moon appears large enough in the sky that its disc can nearly completely obscure the sun's disc, leaving only a red ring around the dark shadow of the moon. This happens when either the moon is closest to the Earth (perigee) in its orbit or the Earth is furthest from the Sun in its orbit (this happens in July) or any variation on the orbits that cause the moon to appear as large as, or larger than the sun. If the moon is further away in its orbit(apogee), or the Earth is closer to the Sun in its orbit (it is closest in January), then the disc of the moon will appear smaller than the disc of the Sun and the moon will not fully obscure the sun. This is called an annular eclipse.
In truth, the Sun is roughly 400x larger than the moon, but it is also 400x further away so the two bodies appear approximately the same size in the sky. However, the moon's orbit around the Earth is elliptical, so it is sometimes closer to the Earth than others and thus, appears larger and smaller respectively. Likewise, the Earth's orbit around the Sun is elliptical so that at some points in its orbit, the Sun appears larger than others.
A partial eclipse occurs when the moon blocks only a portion of the sun. In this case, it often goes unnoticed as it causes little to no darkening of the sun at all and you'd hurt your eyes staring hard enough at the sun to notice the shadow. This can happen in parts of the world where we are looking at a full or annual eclipse off to the side or when the shadow of the moon passes above the polar regions of the Earth.
Total lunar eclipses occur somewhere on Earth approximately every 18 months. However, they only occur in any particular place about every 360 to 410 years.
Upcoming Solar Eclipses
February 26, 2017 (Annular) 2:54pm GMT
August 21, 2017 (Total) 6:26pm GMT
February 15, 2018 (Partial) 10:52pm GMT
July 13, 2018 (Partial) 3:02am GMT
August 11, 2018 (Partial) 9:47am GMT
January 6, 2019 (Partial) 1:42am GMT
July 2, 2019 (Total) 7:24pm GMT
December 26, 2019 (Annular) 5:18am GMT
June 21, 2020 (Annular) 6:41am GMT
December 14, 2020 (Total) 4:14pm GMT
June 10, 2021 (Annular) 8:43pm GMT
December 4, 2021 (Total) 7:34am GMT
Eclipses in Magic
There are a few schools of thought with regard to the energy of the solar eclipse.
Thought 1 - Eclipses always take place during the New Moon when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. Together in the sky, their energies are combined and supercharged for the energy of that sign.
Thought 2 - An eclipse gives us the energy of an entire cycle of seasons, or cycle of a day from twilight, darkness, dawn to light, from the waning light of autumn to the darkness of winter, to the growing light of spring and brightness of summer. This is powerful energy to harness to bring about big change quickly.
Thought 3- The moon engulfs the sun, turning the sky bloody, but the sun emerges again in a symbol of rebirth. This makes an equinox a great time practice rites designed to wash away the old to make way for the new, to break down barriers to come out into the light.
Thought 4- Since the moon is in its dark phase, and it is blocking the sun, it could be said that the energy of both is blocked and thus unavailable, on pause for a moment.
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How might I go about harnessing the energy from an eclipse?
Well, you would harness it the same way you'd harness any energy. Use it to charge crystals or water or whatever. Time your spells with it. The sun and moon being both in the same sign during a solar eclipse, you could say that whatever energies is associated with that zodiac sign would be at their peak.
I was taught that the eclipse is a time when nothing should be begun or ended. As a farmer, I never breed during an eclipse, and I make sure that breeding is scheduled so no births take place during an eclipse. I never plant or harvest. A complete solar eclipse is literally breathtaking. The world stops for a moment. And so I do too.
You tie a june bug to a string and run around naked singing Fleetwood Mac songs.
and I am only kidding…I am really excited for this!
Hello, you may take this opportunity to recharge and really work with what you have learned i have found it great to put a jar on my front porch during the eclipse fill the jar with water halfway and put in a pinch of salt mix it and then add in red wine vinager to it let it set on the front porch during the eclipse to capture a bit of power and the when ever you are doing spells or casts keep the liquid around you whether it sitting on your altar in a small container on a necklace braclet anything just keep it around you so that you are extra charged and you have that high force and feeling. ❣🕳❣☪☯☪
Lunar OR Solar Eclipses are Celestial exclamation points in our year & in our OWN PERSONAL Astrological charts.
The are in 18 month cycles..for example-
These 2017 Leo / Aquarius eclipses "bloom" into 2019.
Leo rules the Heart..to achieve "holistic energy benefits" it is time for us to be in tune with our hearts longings..
To do our own "shadow work!"
Meditating with music…
Being in Nature…
Understanding your own self doubts or defeating behaviors enough to NOW change into better disciplines are the best ways to extract ECLIPSE magic!
Trust your intuition..
Listen to your hearts wisdoms!
Leo helps grant courage!
Is this is a good time to bless colored salts, special or colored candles, or anything? I know one who has a website and she claims that certain items were done"under a full moon" or this or that. And she's sold out. So maybe there isomething to what you do and when you do it.
Everybody has their own way of doing things. Will there be a market for things blessed or charged during the eclipse? Probably.
Both the moon and the sun will be in the sign of Leo so that is the energy that is going to be present and amplified, if that's what's happening.
Also, the solar eclipse happens during the New Moon.
im a leo and i cant wait for this. ❣🕳❣☪☯☪
I am also a Leo. I am headed to 100% view. 😎👹👽🤘 🏅🌋🕕🕕🕕💸💲📈♌
One of my students and I were discussing the mythology associated with eclipses. Lunar eclipses are not as heavily peppered with Mythos as solar eclipses are. Charging water and crystals is fine, but not tools. Under no circumstance should you charge a ritual tool when there is a solar eclipse. It was often believed that wherever the eclipse was visible the leader or the king of that land would pass away or be assassinated. Solar eclipses have a tendency to take things away; obstacles, burdens, characteristic flaws. They are not necessarily known for granting, blessing or gifting anything. My students and I are going to harness the eclipse energy into jars of black wine. If you are going to do a ritual for the eclipse at all, make sure you do it in the morning and not at the actual time of the eclipse. You may link the eclipse to the ritual that you performed that morning by using a symbolic object if you wish. Solar eclipses also break things. A solar eclipse will shatter chains holding a project down. There is also something to be said about glamoury and shape-shifting when there is a solar eclipse. After all, a solar eclipse is the sun wearing the moon as a mask. If you crave a little extra information, you may private message me on my Instagram account : key_over_matter I would be delighted to help in any way that I can. You can also email me at moc.liamg|dliwsexoF#moc.liamg|dliwsexoF
Be well,
I must say you left me intrigued on the subject please tell me more
I email your gmail account thanks..
What is your IG account name?
This article came across my feed today and I thought I'd share it. http://www.npr.org/2017/08/17/543634260/rituals-to-sprinkle-a-little-magic-into-your-eclipse-experience
thank you
What would someone say if my daughter decided to be born during this eclipse? She is scheduled for a c-section on September 1st, but I've been having really strange feelings that she's going to decide sooner… like in the next few days…
Just looking for any opinions for guidance…
As a farmer, I have always been taught to avoid breeding animals during an eclipse and to avoid having a due date near an eclipse (even one we can't see). Primarily because it could cause undue stress and animals who have undue stress at the time of birth may not take care of their babies. I know that eclipses make animals go a little crazy. Humans are different. While we may feel the same stress, we have different ways of understanding an dealing with it. Post-partum depression, OCD and psychosis are very real and serious things for humans, but we can get through it without harming or neglecting our babies when we have the support of others and medication if needed. Animals don't have this. They get the fight/flight/freeze message and they just do it, they don't think "Maybe I should let my herd-mates know that I'm not in the best mental shape to parent right now and make an appointment with the Vet to see if they can help me not feel like this anymore." So, as far as that goes, I think a human having a baby during the eclipse isn't going to have the same impact as an animal, particularly if you're inside and can't see it anyway.
Anecdotal evidence does suggest that the pull of the full moon can encourage a baby to come on out if it's close enough to its due date. (Ranchers tell the same story about calving.) But a solar eclipse always takes place during the new moon. Is there an opposite effect? I have not heard from any source that there is, though I have heard that conception is more likely during a new moon.
That all being said, the eclipse is historically a portent of great (cataclysmic) change leading to a new era. Babies do that for people too. ( Not just the first, either. I always felt my third was the most cataclysmic. The first two felt like next steps, he felt like turning a corner. But I digress.)
So, she'll come when she comes and if it's on the eclipse, that'll be a pretty cool story to tell and maybe it's a sign that she's meant to be a significant leader who will bring great change to our country.
I have identical twin daughters born August 8, ( Leo). They are 15 years old and 10 seconds apart in age. I'll refer to them as Baby A and Baby B. :) The eldest (baby A) is having a lot of spiritual activity around her right now and because she isn't used to it, it's frightening her. I gave her a moonstone and a labradorite to wear around her neck, and she said it's helping. Baby B, has been experiencing bursts of anger and very easy to cry. Can someone point me in the right direction as to what may be going on with them? Is it the eclipse? And is there anything they may get from this eclipse that may be beneficial to them being born in Leo. (their moon is also in Leo).
Thank you so much, Any help or advice is welcome.
- Renee ♥
I wouldn't blame this on the eclipse as the effect of the eclipse really isn't going to start this early. There could be after-effects, as any emotional extremes have lingering effects. The eclipse itself is emotionally significant (as anyone who has witnessed one can tell you) for everyone. There is some tradition of the eclipse allowing or encouraging the amassing of dark energy and spirits that are attracted to it, but again, that doesn't begin until the eclipse begins as it's directly tied to the darkening of the sky. If I were you though, I would be curious to have a reading done by a professional astrologer, just because it's cool that the eclipse is taking place on in their moon sign because it may be a portent they'd like to pay attention to. Also, they are Leos, and Leos are really tied to the Sun so there could be some really profound affects. but it's not likely to be affecting their behavior at this time. Although, changes signaled by the eclipse could be in the works already and they could be reacting to the changes. So maybe a talk about what's going on in their lives now and thinking about coping strategies would be helpful.
But remember, they are teenagers and teenagers are subject to rapid periods of growth and hormone surges in the best and most boring of times and sometimes medical intervention is needed so they can be their best selves, so it's a good idea if there are mood changes that you consult with their doctor, or, at this age, allow them to do so privately.
Here are the dates for the retrograding planets:
Mercury- August 12 to September 5, 2017
Saturn-April 6 to August 25, 2017
Uranus- August 3, 2017 to January 2, 2018
Neptune- June 16 to November 22, 2017
Pluto- April 20 to September 28, 2017
This may be the leading cause of your twins issues
Is it at all dangerous to be out during the solar eclipse on Aug 21, 2017?
I'm 8 months pregnant and I heard that some bad energy could be related to the eclipse. Any insight would be helpful.
Blessed be.
There are some traditions that hold that you should not be out during an eclipse, but should stay inside with your shades drawn. I'm not sure it's about negative energy so much as about respect, but it could be. There are separate traditions of the buildup of negative energies and entites during an eclipse, similar to any of thoese related to periods of darkness- the new moon and the winter solstice have similar traditions.
There is a danger of damage to your eyes from viewing the disc of the sun before its completely covered, but during the (approximately) 2 minutes of totality, it is considered safe.
It is my opinion that every Witch should make an effort to experience the eclipse. You don't have to do a spell, in fact, I donn't think you should. If you want to set up something ahead of time that you can ignore while experiencing the eclipse, that's fine, but during the eclipse you should be experiencing it. Wear your safety glasses, or avoid looking at the disc, you don't need to be looking at it to experience it. But let it flow through you, be a part of it. If you are trying to perform a ritual or even take pictures, you will miss it. And, I think it might be a good idea to avoid crowds.
Is there a danger? Could be. Traditions vary. But witches aren't about being safe, we're about gathering knowledge and putting it to use.
I will personally be spending the eclipse outdoors with my animals and my young son.
Please keep your pets safe as they too can have eye damage if they look up at the strong rays
Animals have more common sense than humans when it comes to Nature.
Hi there! i was wondering if this eclipse would be a good time to charge my protection charm? It is not meant for me but for my husband as he goes away to join the military, any and all advice welcome!
I didn't see it until too late, but I would charge it under the full moon in Aries.
Do solar eclipse affect herbs and what kinds? What does it do to them? Also, where can I find this information? I've been looking so far.