An omen is an unusual event that foretells a greater event. Omens can be good or bad. The translation of an omen as a good sign or a bad sign is often determined by the culture and background of the individual. If there is some question, various methods of divination may be used to clarify things. Historically, hepatoscopy, haruspicy, lecanomancy, or libanomancy were most often used, though any method of divination may be employed.
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What does it mean to awaken to find uncooked white rice in your bed (approx 1 cup)?
Thought I would add that Im 61 yrs old and living with my daughter who is single. She only has 1 bed so therefore we are having to share the same bed for the time being. No one else resides with us.
Rice is usually a sign of good luck or abundance. Often times the dead will leave us presents to tell us they are nearby or watching over us. Does anyone come to mind that you have lost when you think of rice? My grandmother and I used to always talk about dimes. The day of her passing, I was traveling home and found about $3.00 in dimes in random places, not to mention a heart charm made out of a dime!