Moon water is water that has been charged with the energies of the moon. It is a popular way to charge water to be used during a ceremony or spell working or to brew magical potions and may be used for anything you are directed to use water for.
While moon water is charged with lunar energies, it may also be charged with the energies of the zodiac sign the moon is passing through at the time and thus may be used to enhance magical workings related to the sign.
Creating Moon Water
To create moon water, simply collect water from an appropriate source and place it in a transparent glass or silver container that has been washed well and cleansed in whichever way you see fit. Set the container outdoors as the moon rises so that the moon shines onto and into the container. You may say a few words of your intention at this time. After the moon has set or before the sun rises, retrieve your container and store it appropriately.
Moon water is usually created beneath the full moon, but it can be created beneath other moon phases as well. The full moon will give you the most lunar light in the absence of sunlight, producing the most well-charged water. However, if you expose your water to moonlight several nights in a row (preferably during the waxing period, you can still achieve a signification charge.
Many witches will insist that the water collected and used for ritual come from a living source, such as a spring or a stream or collected directly as rain. If your moon water is going to be ingested, you will want to make sure it is safe by filtering it and possibly boiling it, though many will insist that this renders it "dead". Some people simply have no choice but to use distilled or bottled water due to water safety issues in their area. Charging water beneath the moon helps restore some of the energy lost in the purification process and some folks will leave it out for a charge beneath the sun as well, though some believe that the two energies will cancel each other out. If you prefer to charge your water with solar energy rather than lunar energy, that's fine too. Take care though to protect your charging water from unauthorized drinkers, bathers, breeders (mosquitoes) and anything else that might threaten its purity.
Water can be charged for more specific purposes by choosing to charge your moon water during a specific sign of the zodiac. See spell timing for information on what energies are at work when the moon is in different signs and refer to a lunar calendar app, like to find out when the moon will in the sign whose energies you wish to collect in your area.
Herbs, oils and stones can be added to moon water to enhance its energies as well. Herbs and oils are usually added as a finishing touch, but stones can be placed in the water at the start of the process.
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So I have a question so when u make moon water and the next morning if u don't get it at sun rise does it lose its potency
There are a couple of different schools of thought on this. Sun energy and moon energy are different, so, some believe that Sun energy will nullify the moon energy in the water, like adding and acid to a base or vice versa, the energies cancel each other out, rendering the water uncharged. Others simply believe that allowing Solar energy to enter your moon water would simply dilute the Lunar energy with the Solar energy, reducing its potency. Others like to charge their water with both solar and lunar energy, believing that both energies have value and compliment each other. I am of the opinion that if you want your moon water charged with lunar energy then that's the only energy that should touch it, but if you are trying to charge the water with zodiac energy, you could use the sun or moon, or both.
Thx so much for the advice
If water is collected during a full moon and rain storm around midnight how charged would the water be then? Last night's full moon to be exact. Very curious
I would consider that to be naturally charged water. I would definitely put it to use.
Thank you!
New Moon water would be pretty hard to make I guess. Since the New Moon is basically never in the sky without the Sun, you'd only get a few moments to charge it. Would is still be charged?
When she says "from the new moon to the full moon" I don't think she means the new moon, but that waxing period. We'll change the wording to make it clearer.
At the time of the New Moon, the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. If I was going to charge water with energy of Sagittarius for example, I think charging on that day would be ideal. But, it wouldn't be a nighttime activity. And, of course, it would be Sagittarius water, not moon water.
You do realize that the moon is still there during a new moon? Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. I mean you must know this, but I am so confused by your 'since new moon is basically never in the sky without the sun'.
@Linnea - True, but what David was saying is also true. The new moon is aligned with the sun, rising and setting at about the same time as the sun. It's not perfectly aligned except for those rare occasions when we get a solar eclipse - these are always on the new moon, just as lunar eclipses are always on the full moon.) There are good explanations on sites like space dot com (this interface won't let me post the links, unfortunately).
How long can I store the water? Like, does the water 'expire'? Can I keep it for weeks, or do I have to use it within a certain period?
(Answer as soon as possible, as there is a full moon TONIGHT)
Hope you get this in time, as it says you posted this an hour ago. Personally, I don't think the full moon water really expires, if you use it for ceremony/ritual purposes. As for drinking water, I think it's okay to keep for awhile, but I might try to collect new full moon water, each full moon as it's a new cycle, which may synchronize with you better now, than drinking moon water thats 6 months old.
If you are not ingesting it, I would keep it in a cool dry place until you start noticing changes in it, (funny colors, textures, smells, algae, slime) then throw it away. If you are ingesting it, I would keep it in the fridge for no more than a month.
Hi how Is the best way to store charged mood water?
Cool dark place? Fridge ? Etc ty in advance x
If you are ingesting it, I would keep it in the fridge for no more than a month. Otherwise, cool dark place is fine.
I have moon water from August that is untouched can I recharge it in September? If not what happens?
Is it essential that the container is left open or would a see through glass one with a lid on work too?
You can cover it if necessary provided the moon's light can still reach it.
If you want to add stones, which ones should you use? I've read in a different recipe that moonstone and clear quartz are good, but this recipe seems a bit more loose and I don't have those two stones.
Moonstone and quartz are good basic stones to use because moonstone is lunar and quartz is a good, solid, general purpose stone. If you wanted to charge your moon water for a specific purpose, you would choose a stone based on that intention. It varies according to what energies you are trying to infuse into the water.
How powerful will be the super-blue-red moon water, then!?
…I will give it a try!
is moon water strong during the blue moon. And if you make moon water on the moon or on saturn which has so many moons, then will the water be stronger?
You can visit the Blue Moon article for a discussion of the blue moon.
As a terrestrial worker, I can't comment about extra-terrestrial witchcraft. Perhaps there are some extra-terrestrial witches who will comment.