Knot magic, also called cord magic, involves casting spells using the physical act of tying and/or untying knots to bind or release the spell(s).
Generally, knot magic requires a piece of string. A witch may choose to use twine, yarn, thread or ribbons, anything she has on hand. Any piece of string may be used. Some witches have a dedicated stash or you can use any old bit you find around, though it is a good idea to cleanse it first to make sure it doesn't have any energies that could interfere with your spell. Some witches use bundles or braids of string.
Many witches will choose a cord (or ribbon, etc.) in a [main:colors| color] that corresponds to their purpose, but some just use one color (usually black or white) for all purposes. Often, the cord is tied nine times, but not always. Sometimes a number is chosen using numerical symbolism and sometimes it is chosen to represent a specific concept or amount (like some, a bit more, a lot). Sometimes many many knots are tied as a sort of meditative practice. As each knot is tied, the intention that you are meditating upon is further bound to the cord. These may even be decorative and worn as jewelry or hung in the home.
There are as many different specific methods for casting a knot magic spell as there are magic-users. The defining factor is that at least one knot is tied in the course of the spell and the knot serves as a representation or container for the spell.
Knot magic spells are often binding spells as the symbolism of tying a knot suits the symbolism of restricting or controlling activity quite well. One may use the tying of the knot to symbolize tying the hands of an individual whose actions are helpful, or binding someone's mouth shut. For these spells, a piece of string from a person's clothing or even a braided lock of their hair can be used. But binding spells aren't as often used against individuals as ideas and natural phenomena, like the weather, disease, etc.
For example, knot magic can be used in healing spells to bind pain or inflammation temporarily to allow the patient to get some rest or to be moved or fed. Once this is achieved, the knot can be untied to allow the natural healing processes to resume.
In many cases, the knot serves as a sort of container for magic. When the knot is untied, the magic is released. While tied, the knot may serve as an amulet, containing the magic in its immediate vicinity as well as within itself. Or the person in possession of the knot may benefit from its residual energy. When the knot is untied or cut, the magic is either lost or released into the Universe to do its thing.
Since a knot can be untied, a knot spell can therefore be given an "off" switch by its creator. Simply untie the knot and the spell is broken. This must be specified upon its creation.
Magic Knots of History and Folklore
Knot magic has traditionally been used by sailors to bind winds, untying a knot to stir up a wind. Generally, three knots were used. The first, untied, would cause a gentle wind, the second, a strong wind and the third would release a hurricane. (This spell is still in use today. One example I have seen involved going to a high place, and speaking a chant declaring the intention of the spell while tying the first knot, blowing once upon the knot once tied and then repeating for each of the three knots, blowing twice upon the second and thrice upon the third.)
In the story of the Gordian Knot, Alexander the Great untied (or cut) the untie-able knot and released its King-making power from the descendants of Gordias to himself.
The Knot of Heracles (the reef knot or square knot) is said to have great healing powers. If the bandage surrounding a wound is tied with this knot, it is said to heal faster.
… There is a child's fairy tale that I remember being told in which the protagonist is given a knotted chord that he unties, one knot at a time, to help him throughout his adventures. I cannot find this, nor remember the name of it or the overall story. If you know the story of which I speak, please let me know in the comments!
Read More Online
- Historical Spells; Cord, Knots, and Magic at By the Knot of Nine
- Spells: Weather Magic, Wind Knots and Knot Spells at A Band Witch's Blog
See also cingulum, handfasting
See Also
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I have used knot magic to relieve the inflammation in the spinal cord of a dog who was suffering paralysis in her hind legs because of it. She recovered immediately with no complementary treatments (though I recommended them). This was a chronic condition, however, and returned a few months later.
My husband has terrible spinal stenosis from a work injury. I would love to know your method if you would be willing to share it. How wonderful that it helped the little pooch!
I basically used the cord as a sympathetic model of the spine, tying knots where vertebra would be and then I hung it up, to make it easier to work with, named it, and untied and retied the knots in the affected area, declaring that I was removing the blockage (untying) and repairing the spine (retying) so that it would work properly. I kept the cord and repeated as needed, but as I said, her relief was only ever temporary.
I am a victim of a knot spell. I would like to know how to break it. Please help me.
recite surah fuluq from the quran. It's very short and works. It was a chapter which was given to the prophet specifically when a magician cursed him with a knot curse. Just look it up in english and try to pronounce it in arabic if you can
Find the knot and untie, cut, or destroy it. I think untying works the best, but I know some witches who burn the knots to release the magic in them. :)
What about if you have no idea where the knot is being kept ?
Have you tried performing a counter-knot spell, if you know the spell that was cast of you, try and do the reverse, and untie the knots.
I have had the knot spell done on me as well. I also do not know where the string is that it was performed on. How do you undo the spell without having the spacific piece of string that has the knots in it? Any help would be greatly appreaciated? My simptoms are strings on my skin and when I scratch these strings my hair makes demonic faces. As well as when this started I had seen spirits in my apartment?
Do you know of any anecdotes where the cords from blinds tied themselves into elaborate knots? Such cords in a friends' cottage have been doing this since they moved in. It is definitely not the wind, nor a cat. Do you know what that might mean? They feel it is good and protective thing, but are curious.
Sometimes places and objects hold memories. Perhaps a lot of weaving or um. Macrame? was done there in the past?
I found a piece of braided hair on a nail in my basement rafter. I have lived here for almost 10 years and am concerned. What should I do? I don't even want to touch it.
Bury it away from the house. Slip a paper bag (NOT plastic) over it and remove it that way, then you can bury the whole thing.
How are spells broken.
Knot spells are generally broken by untying the knots and disposing of the cord, as mentioned in the article. You can also visit my article How to break a curse for more general uncrossing techniques.
The fairy tale might be called "The Drummer" - where our hero is given three impossible tasks and knows he cannot complete them at all, but is aided by a young maiden who ties a knot in a handkerchief and taps the cloth on the ground to call forth armies of workers to magically complete the impossible tasks.
Synchronicity would have it that 2x in one day I had black string unravel. The first time I threw the string away. The second time, it came from a blanket and it's never happened since I've had this blanket so instead of throwing the string away I googled black string magic and found this article and thread! (pun) And reading all this provides much information about how to use this magic with greater intention; to bind or unbind knots (spells). I will meditate and listen to my intuition. Thanks All great stories.. I especially love The Fairy Tale, what a perfect way to create, this is after all, powerful imagination ;-)