Jewitchery is the practice of Witchcraft by a Jewish person or the integration of Wiccan or another Witchcraft spirituality with Jewish culture. A Jewitch may consider Judaism to be their religion and Witchcraft a non-religious activity, or he may identify as a Jew in a cultural context only or he may combine two spiritualities, Judaism and a magico-religious tradition like Wicca, into a synchretic whole.

Jewitchery may involve the practice or witchcraft using traditional Jewish symbols, such as the menorah and the kiddush cup or it may incorporate aspects of the Kabbalah, or it may not, depending on the individual. A Jewitch who identifies with Wicca may see the Jewish view of the male and female aspects of the Divine in the Wiccan ideal of the God and Goddess or they may take a more feminist view and focus on the shekhinah1 exclusively.

More Information

External Links

Essay: Jewitchery from
Jewitches and Jew-Us
Jewitchery and Jewishness at Walking on Fire Blog

See Also

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