A binding spell is a spell that symbolically ties the target up restricting his, her or its actions or keeping him or her (or it) tied to another individual, object, place or situation.
A binding spell can be positive or negative.1.
A positive binding spell joins two things together. For example, if you were particularly fond of a ring, you might bind it to you so that it wouldn't get lost or would always return to you. You could bind a pet to you, to be a familiar or just a lifelong companion. Or you could bind a spirit to an object (like a genie in a lamp). You could bind yourself to a place so that you will always return there or you could bind yourself to your job, so that you do not lose it. Two people can be bound together as well. One form of this is known as handfasting.
A negative binding spell is one that takes something away, usually someone's ability to do something. Someone may cast a binding spell on someone who is hurting or harassing them to make them stop. You may cast a binding spell on yourself to help you break a bad habit, to stop calling that guy who is just using you, to stop going to the bar, to stop biting your nails.
Whether a binding spell is black magic or white magic depends on the action and intent of the spell and your perspective. A binding spell always involves restricting or controlling someone's actions but in some cases everyone involved have consented and in other cases an individual may be deemed dangerous enough that restricting his or her actions is a necessary evil. Some traditions forbid binding spells altogether while others embrace them wholeheartedly.
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In my case i have a friend who has been using & taking others positive energy away from them & replacing it with there negative energy,
I want to stop her from doing anymore harm to others
Will this binding be good or bad?
Also are buried hex bags bad to ppl around them?
Hex bags can carry blessings or curses. Generally hex bags are considered to be curses, but they don't have to be. Good and bad are subjective. Do you think it would be good or bad?
I did a binding spell on a few people to make them stay out of my life. I used a picutre of them and black ribbon. The pictures wouldnt burn and I kept getting called to go back to work so I threw the bound pictures in the trash and left. What is going to happen?
I've never burned a binding spell, but I have thrown away a taglock to get someone to go away. But honestly, it doesn't matter what you do. It's all about your energy. Sounds like you weren't very focused. So probably nothing. Maybe something.
Can I use a binding spell to keep someone away from a town that has alot of people who are harming them?
A binding spell stops someone from doing something, so, theoretically, yes. But I am guessing it's complicated.
I did a binding spell on my ex husband who is emotionally abusive and manipulative to me and our children. I filled it with all the love and positive energy I could muster. The next day he was even worse than usual. Can a binding spell actually make things worse or can one who is super evil fight a binding spell?
Love isn't exactly the energy one fills a binding spell with unless you're binding yourself to someone or something. A binding spell to restrict an action is an aggressive, defensive spell. When you want someone to stop hurting you, you don't hug them. You lock the door, restrict their access. When you cast a spell on someone, the spell doesn't do so much what you tell it to do as what the energy you put into it indicates you want. What mundane actions have you taken to protect yourself and your children? Energy is energy, when you put forth physical energy toward a goal, it helps raise the magical energy too.
Also, if someone's Will to do a thing is stronger than your desire for them to quit it, you're not going to have much success. And if his behavior is a major part of his personality, his nature, him, there's not much you can do about it. I can't bind my roosters from crowing, alas, but at least they don't bite. If they did, they wouldn't live here.
I am in a similar situation as Jamie. The ex was very violent, abusive and hurt my child and myself. I managed to obtain protection orders. I did not feel that was enough as the country I am a guest in gives the abuser access to the victims. So, I resurrected my pagan skills and I bound him.
He vanished for 9 months and I used it as a great opportunity for me to heal. He is powerful though and came back in small doses, breaking into the apartment and leaving weird things on our front door, so I bound again AND banished him recently.
I noticed that after the two bindings I got verbally attacked by 3 people. The way they spoke to me was quite psychotic as if they had been possessed by the ex. 2 of those people who verbally abused me and tried to control me in the very home I was almost killed in. My lesson to learn was that even though he was bound from harming my kid and I he was still directing his energy at me which is why the attacks came in other forms. I amped up my protection and space clearing routines by modifying my home and office space. I did this by putting mirrors on all my windows and front door, rubbing garlic all around my door frames, burning sage and myrrh in the house and hanging mugwort on the front door and bedrooms. I also carry pouches of salt and rice (so the salt doesn't get clumpy) in my handbag.
The issue definitely isn't with the home I live in, it just happened to be where a lot a sad things happened a long time ago. I've turned it into a spiritual forcefield now so let's see how that goes.
I have not finished my journey with this man yet but I will and I intend to do it peacefully. I write this especially for abused women and children in mind. I advise they take action in the mundane (getting evidence of abuse, calling police, setting up CCTV cameras that record, getting yourself mentally and spiritually strong) and when spell casting, do it when there's a waning moon, with a black candle or candle with black ribbon around it. Cast your circle and create a circle of salt around the pentacle that your candle is on. Hold the candle in both hands and meditate your desires into it and envision yourself and your world (friends, family, work, home) free from that person. Ensure there is no harm in your intentions as negative energy will return to you 3 fold. Banish/bind the perpetrator and desire that they leave you alone (because in my eyes an abusive ex and parent should definitely be banished - but every situation is different so you must really think about it). Light the candle and say your spell. It is important to be focused and not let your thoughts and feelings go to a dark place. It is enough if the person stops hurting you and goes away, you don't need to direct harm at them. Let the candle burn out or if you really need to, snuff it out (don't blow as it'll blow away the magic). Lastly, believe in your power!!! Spells do not work if you have doubt. Blessed be.
If anyone else has tips or other ideas please do respond x
Combining magical and mundane actions make for the most effective defense. Domestic situations are the most complicated to deal with. The willingness to abuse a loved one is such a deep seated personality trait that it is nearly impossible to get rid of. Psychologists have a hard time doing it, magick users have a hard time doing it. The best action is to get away and block every possible avenue of your abuser reaching you again. I know what it's like thinking you can change them, wondering what you can do to make them stop, what you could do right, finally, to bring out the good person you know is in there and banish the scary one, but the only thing you can really do is get away. You love them, and, in their way, they love you. Surely there's a path that leads to you living happily ever after together. But it's not a path that you can walk. Only they can, and by that point the relationship is often so damaged that they have to walk it to someone who is not you.
Abusers spend a lot of time setting up shields for themselves. (No, he didn't just lose his temper, he created the world in which he could do so with impunity.) They create a circle of friends and family members that are on their side, against you. Maybe they convince them, and even you, that you're the abuser, or that you have a mental illness that precludes your making rational decisions. They isolate you from people who would protect you, who would offer you shelter, anyone who attempts you warn you or intervene. They carefully, ever so carefully, establish a situation where you are dependent on them in some way, emotionally, financially, socially, whatever. And when they aren't horrible, they are oh so passionate and make you feel like the queen (or king) of the world. So you forgive them. Over and over and over. You can bind someone from coming around, you can't bind them from being an abuser. They put way too much time and energy into it. It's who they are.
I doubt this was helpful. It's just reflections. Oh- One thing I did was an Invisibility spell. It worked so well that the directions I gave people to find my house sounded like this "It's the second driveway on the left next to the church. When you see the party store on the right, make a U-turn cause you passed it." Nobody saw my house at first glance, even when it was pointed out to them! On Halloween, we had to set up a table on the sidewalk in front of the house or we'd get no trick or treaters. And there it was on the main road, just a house like all the others. I visualize a diamond of energy surrounding the house and spun it so that it became a blur. You can get a crystal and visualize the house inside and hang it from the ceiling and every time you walk past it, spin it. (And you know, all the usual set up.) But there are lots of invisibility spells. You could probably do something that was more targeted rather than working on everybody. You can draw wards at the four corners of the property too. We have big ole rocks on our four corners, and draw wards in chalk each spring.
Is it possible to bind your self to and object while binding the object to your self?
Well, yes. Binding generally works in both directions.
How did the Marauders make the map? (Harry Potter) With some sort of binding spell? They are binding a person to the drawn person on the map… It's like if you draw a picture of your dog/cat and you bind the essence of your actual dog/cat to the picture, so it shows what they are doing. ???? Help please? I am writing a story and would like some ideas to how they bound the pictures to the people.
The Marauder's Map and Harry Potter are fiction. But what you are describing involves ideas related to Sympathetic Magic.
Okay, believe it or not I have thought on this quite a bit. So here's my well-considered answer. Just for fun.
The Marauder's Map is a scrying device that is sympathetically linked to the castle and programmed to show who is moving through various parts of the castle. The link is not to the individuals, but to the castle itself. In Harry Potter, and indeed in real life, Buildings have their own personalities and indeed a bit of memory. You could say that the castle is alive in a way (not by the scientific definition of life, but a more spiritual definition). Creating a sympathetic link, or "binding" an object to another object's condition, is generally done in two ways, by creating the sympathetic object out of something that was once part of, or in close contact with the target object (contagion) AND/OR fashioning the (or choosing an already existing) sympathetic object to resemble the target object in some way(similarity). Clearly the Marauder's Map shows an image of the castle, so it operates by similarity but I believe the lore states that it was created by Hogwarts students, so we can assume that the paper, the ink and indeed the actions that went along with creating the spell originated within the castle as well, so there is also the contagion factor. There would also have to be a spell to charge the object, but the rules are quite different in Hogwarts's world from how it works in the real world. We can't just point our wands and say words, we have to raise energy and focus and visualize and we might use a wand, or not. If it were me and my peeps, we'd put it on a table in the middle of our space and dance around it with drums until we started feeling dizzy and then put our hands on it, name it, declare it a living part of the castle and chant some stuff about showing us who was in the rooms in real time.
I think that this would be enough (in a world where magick is much more spectacular than it is in this world) to create a map that could show you the condition of each room and indicate if someone was moving through the area. To get the nifty name labels to see who it is might be a little more complicated. A drop of blood on a piece of paper with their name written on it might be appropriate or even a sketch of the person that resembles them well, but at the time the map was created, not all of the people that the map indicates for Harry and friends were present in Hogwarts, so they wouldn't be in its "database", so something different would have to contrived. I'm not sure what that would be. But in Hogwarts, maybe its enough. You'd have to be very specific with your spell wording, I think.
As for the password that turns the map from a blank piece of paper to a map, that is a simple passcode spell. This isn't really possible in real life for a piece of paper, though technology has achieved this for bigger things long ago. I think it would work something like a hypnotic trigger. We have, after all, given the paper life by tying it to a living thing, so now we can give it a hypnotic suggestion. "You are blank, until these words are said, then you are not." I confess I am not really well versed in hypnotic technique, but there are lots of books on the subject. I have seen plenty of hypnosis demonstrations where people believed themselves to be other people and where people were hypnotized into believing the hypnotist was another person (In once case Oprah, and there was screaming and swooning!). Why could not a living paper be hypnotized into believing it was blank, or would it have to hypnotize the observer into believing it was blank?
But wait, now I am thinking of a Dr. Who thing- Psychic Paper, that showed either what the person presenting it wanted you to see or what you expected it to be. (Didn't Douglas Adams have something like this too? Must re-read all Douglas Adams to confirm) What if the password hypnotized the people hearing it into thinking the map is a map, though it's not really a map at all, and it is really their own psychic perception causing the images they think they see?? That could take you in a whole new direction completely. I am not prepared to travel that road at this time.
Are curses binding? How do you remove a curse? Can you remove black magic using black magic?
Yes, a binding spell can be a curse. But not all curses are binding.
Can a person bind you to a relationship that isnt a good one? If so How do you know if someone has bound you to someone else?
And how would you be able to remove it?
Of course. People do it to themselves most often, but others can do it too. Break a binding curse like any other curse. http://www.witchipedia.com/howto:how-to-break-a-curse
Hello can I dinding my husband to show spress his feeling, his a person that is very hard to say what he feels
That is not what a binding spell is for. Binding spells stop people from doing things.
Do you have to have taglocks like dna, hair or etc to do a love binding spell on someone? I found someone to go through but they told me I have to have those and I dont know how to get those without him noticing or literally asking which would totally freak him out obviously.
DNA Taglocks work best, but their name written on paper can also work. But a "love" binding should really be done with the consent of both people. It's like a marriage. Spells to cause someone to obsess over you tend to involve you secreting some of your own um secretions into his food.
I want to use some of my crystals to 'Bind' me and my bf together so that we could essentially sense each other's emotions and increase my empathetic abilities. I feel like binding isnt quite what im looking for here though so could you point me in the right direction?
On another note i believe my evil father may have binded my magical abilities and placed a wall around my mind. How would i go about destroying the binds and the wall?
I don't recommend doing anything like that to with just a boyfriend. I wouldn't even do that with a husband unless you were really really sure. Blood bindings and handfastings can work that way, if that's your intention, but it would be much simpler and healthier in the long run to practice psychic and dream work together which will result in a natural connection as well as increasing your intuition with regard to each others psychic states.
Any spell you don't want is a curse if you want to break a curse, please see the information related to curses elsewhere on the site.