The Ausar Auset Society is a pan-African spiritual movement and religious organization based on a variety of traditional tribal cultures of Africa including, but not limited to Kamitic cosmology and philosophy based on the Egyptian Tree of Life and Ausarian1 religion of ancient Egypt. The society provides training from an Afro-Centric viewpoint on the subjects of history, yoga, nutrition, herbal lore, astrology, and Kamitic philosophy, culture, meditation and ritual. Oracle services are also available to members.

The Ausar Auset Society was founded by Ra Un Nefer Amen in 1973 and is headquartered in New York City, USA, though there are branch organizations called hesps located all over the country and internationally. Each of these is headed by an autonomous Paramount King, a Paramount Queen Mother, a Chief or a Chieftess who organizes the administration of his/her hesp beneath him/her as best suits the needs of group.

For More Information

Related Books and Media

The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Awakening of Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts
Ma'at, The 11 Laws of God
Nuk Au Neter: The Kamitic Holy Scriptures

External Links

Ausar Auset Society Facebook Page
Ausar Auset Society International

See Also

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