The color yellow evokes lazy summer days, sipping lemonade under the warm sun, or walking on the beach in bare feet with a warm breeze lifting your hair. Yellow is a warm color and that represents the air element in Wiccan tradition. It is the color of the intellect; of thoughts, communication, creativity, logic and progress.
Wear yellow to be uplifted and to carry the warmth of the sun wherever you go. A yellow raincoat will brighten up a rainy day. Decorate with yellow to bring the sunshine into any dark, dreary room and to inspire a feeling of coziness and create an environment conducive to the amiable exchange of ideas.
Correspondences for the Color Yellow
Element: air
Planet: Sun or Mercury
Direction: East
Number: 3
Chakra: solar plexus
Day: Sunday or Wednesday
Tools: Wand, Sword, Athame
Feng Shui: Uplifting, bright, cheerful, cozy.
The Color Yellow in Magick
- The color yellow can be brought into your magical workings by using yellow colored candles, a yellow altar cloth
- yellow crystals and other minerals such as such as amber, aragonite, bowenite, topaz, calcite, citrine, yellow flourite, yellow jasper, or gold or
- yellow flowers such as calendula, yellow roses, yellow tulips or sunflowers, or perhaps a yellow fruit, such as a lemon.
The energy of the color yellow supports magic related to communication, travel, astral projection, gaining knowledge, increasing understanding, harmony, spirit communication, protection, telepathy, faith, constancy, mental clarity, optimism.
See Also
First Harvest
Classical Planetary Correspondences
The Oak Pentagram Amulet
Zodiac Correspondences
Table of Color Correspondences
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I so appreciate your work here. Is there any way herbal correspondences to the color(s) might also be included? Thank you.
I am not sure what you're asking for. I have listed plants that can be used to bring in the colors. Herbs don't correspond to colors, they just are a color, or they aren't.