The color green is fresh and exciting, evoking the possibilities associated with new growth and new beginnings. The color encourages growth, forward thinking and good health. It calms the nerves and brings balance to your body or surroundings.
Decorate your surroundings with the color green to encourage a sense of balance and calm. Wear green to bring luck while gambling or engaging in any money-making enterprise. Overuse of the color green can lead to feelings of boredom and stagnation.
Correspondences for the Color Green
Elements: earth
Direction: North
Chakra: heart
Planet: Venus, Jupiter, Mars
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Days of the Week: Friday, Wednesday, Thursday
Tools: cauldron, chalice
Tarot: Emperor, Sevens, Aces
Deities: The Mother Goddess, Gods of Healing
The Color Green in Magick
The color green can be brought into your magical workings by using green altar tools, green candles, green minerals and crystals such as emerald, peridot, malachite, garnet, jade, aventurine or gaspeite, or any green plant.
The energy of the color green supports any magical working related to love, fertility, abundance, money, prosperity, luck, resurrection, rebirth, jealousy, teaching, learning, changing attitudes, environmental issues and peace.
The color green contains both male and female energy.
See Also
First Harvest
Classical Planetary Correspondences
Zodiac Correspondences
Table of Color Correspondences
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