The color black is powerful, alluring and mysterious. Wearing black makes one feel, and appear, assertive, mysterious and bold. It can also set one apart and make one seem unapproachable, unfriendly, self-absorbed. The color black is slimming, looks good with just about anything, except other dark colors and makes lighter colors appear brighter. Black can make you look either serious and conventional or sexy and mysterious.
Black is the absence of light, the absence of color. It absorbs negativity like a black hole absorbs everything within its reach.
Correspondences for the Color Black
Element: Air of Earth
Direction: East
Day: Saturday
Planet: Saturn
Feng Shui:
Chakra: Root
Tools: sword
Tarot: The Queens, The Threes
Stones: Apache Tears, Hematite, Black Sapphire, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx
The Color Black in Magick
The color black is usually associated with dark or negative magic, necromancy, seances, funerary rights and Samhain celebrations. However, the color black is also useful in spellwork relating to grounding, focus, survival, protection, independence, banishing, binding, separation, protection and increasing assertiveness and confidence. The color black absorbs energy, so it is also useful for drawing spells.
See Also
The Element of Spirit
Classical Planetary Correspondences
Protection Sachet
Zodiac Correspondences
Table of Color Correspondences
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