The Gregorian calendar is the modern calendar widely used throughout the world. It was an improvement upon the previously popular Julian Calendar that was off by 11 minutes causing a drift of about 3 days every 400 years. This drift upset the Christian Liturgical calendar because it caused the Vernal Equinox to fall gradually earlier and earlier, which affected the date of Easter. The Gregorian calendar was adopted by papal bull decreed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.
The Gregorian calendar divides the year into 365 days, adding one additional day every year that is divisible by four except for those years exactly divisible by 100, excepting those divisible by 400. These years are called leap years and the extra days, which are added to the end of February, are called leap days.
The Gregorian calendar is divided into twelve months:
January has 31 days
February has 28 days in common years, 29 days in leap years
March has 31 days
April has 30 days
May has 30 days
June has 30 days
July has 31 days
August has 31 days
September has 30 days
October has 31 days
November has 31 days
December has 30 days
See Also
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Fyi.. your Gregorian calendar month dates are wrong on some months.
May 31 days
December 31 days
November 30 days
Meh. It happens.