Psychopomps guide souls through the spirit world and into the afterlife and perhaps in some cases back again. They may guide living practitioners through the spirit world as well and assist with astral projection. May Gods and spirit creatures are considered psychopomps. Many mundane creatures have been given this status as well including several species of birds, horses, dogs and rabbits.
Hermes - Hermes is the multifaceted messenger of the Gods. He is the Watcher at the Gates, a Thief in the Night, the mischievous God of Luck and the Psychopomp who guides souls to the afterworld, and also guides us through dream space.
Turms - Turms is the Etruscan God of boundaries, trade and commerce, psychopomp and a messanger between mortals and Gods. Turms was associated with the Greek God Hermes and the Roman God Mercury.
Xolotl - Dog-headed god of the Aztecs, a companion to the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl. He guards the sun on its journey through the underworld at night and is personified by the planet Venus.
See Also
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